X: Prom

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A/N: I'm back again, now with a cute imagine :)

X: Prom

I wake up by the sound of someone calling me from my phone, I groan as I reach for my phone and see Shawn's name lit up at the lock screen of my phone.

" Hello? " I answer with a tired voice.

" Hey baby girl, what are you doing? " Shawn asks with excitement in his voice.

" I just woke up Shawn. " I answer him with my eyes closed.

" Well, can you come down? I made you breakfast. " I can hear him smile through the phone.

Aww, that's so sweet of him. " Alright Shawn. " I hang up the phone and force myself out of the bed.

I drag myself carefully down the stairs and the smell of pancakes hit my nose. I find myself to my kitchen and I see a pancake with writings on it and a piece of paper, that also has writings on.

Curious, I first read the paper, it says ' Will you go to prom with me? ', smiling to myself, I read the pancake, ' Yes= Smile. No= Backflip. ' I giggle to myself.

Suddenly I felt a strong pair of arms around me with caused me to jump a little. Shawn's head rests on my shoulder as he looks at me with anxiousness.

" So? " Shawn asks me.

" You know I can't do a backflip. " I laugh to myself.

" I know, " he grins. " thats why I wrote it there, so you'll have to say yes. "

I turn myself and face Shawn, I hug him and he hugs me back. " I'll always say yes. " I plant a small kiss on his lips.

" Yes. " he fist bumps the air, which causes me to giggle. " Now, lets eat the pancake before it gets cold. "


I thought it was cute, also, I want to apologize for not updating for these past few weeks, its because I'm very busy, but I hope you guys enjoyed this imagine anyway.

- Nich

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