Across The Hall Pt 3

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On Saturday

I look in the mirror, white skinny jeans with an oversized sweater that is navy blue and red hearts on it with white converse and my hair in its usual braid, soon I hear a knock on the door, I open it and see Peeta

"I gotta grab my bag, you can come in" I say, Malty comes up, at first I think he'll growl and bark but he doesn't he jumps up his leg, Peeta bends down and pats him

"I've never seen him like that before, not even with my friends" I admit and he smiles

"I'm just a real big dog person" he smiles

"Me too!" I reply as he stands up, I walk into my room quickly grabbing my small red side bag and phone then go back out

"Okay! Let's go!" I smile and we walk out.

"Me on that?" I say pointing to the motorcycle

"Come on, all you have to do is hold on tight to me" he replies and I sigh taking the green helmet and he puts on his as I put on mine, I jump in behind him, put my feet up and hold onto him for dear life as it drives off, let's just say, back in high school and growing up, I was always what they call a 'good girl' I never liked motorcycles, still don't.

"Okay so your ex girlfriend in high school got so mad at you that she tipped her spaghetti all over you?" I ask trying not too laugh by licking my ice cream, cookies and cream, my favourite

"Yea, laugh all you want" he chuckles and I giggle and kiss his cheek, is it embarrassing that I'm 22 and he's my first boyfriend?

"You know, your my first boyfriend" I admit and he smiles

"So you've never known what it's like to be in a relationship?" He asks and I shake my head

"My dad was super protective" I reply

"Where you from?" He asks

"Union Kentucky" I reply and his eyes widen

"Me too!" He gasps

"Wow! I'm surprised we haven't seen each other before" I reply and he chuckles and I look at the park lake, swans here and there

"You know, your the most interesting girl I've met" he speaks and I blush

"There's not much you know about me" I mumble

"Yeah cause I only know that your stubborn and good with a bow" he replies

"That about sums me up" I say

"There's more you just don't wanna tell me" he smiles

"Like I said I've never been in a relationship" I repeat

"Well it does help to know the person, tell each other the deep stuff" he says

"The deep stuff uh oh like what?" I ask

"Like... What's your favourite colour?" He suggests

"Now you've stepped over the line" I look away dramatically and back to Peeta and he smiles

"Really what is it" he asks

"Green, like the forest and soft grass, what's yours?" I ask

"Orange" he straight up says

"Like the fruit orange?" I ask and he chuckles

"Nah, not that kind of orange, more of sunset kind of orange" he replies and I smile

"I've got a little sister and older brother" I speak up, opening up, he's told me every detail about him and his family

"Gale and Primrose, I call her little duck" I continue and he chuckles

"I have two friends Annie Cresta and Johanna Mason, I'm 22 and my birthday is November 20th, my favourite ice cream flavours are cookies and cream and chocolate, my parents are happily married and I have a dog named Malty, that's about all you need to know about me" I reply and he smiles

"Thanks for opening up to me" he thanks and I smile

"Thanks for listening" I reply and we head back to the apartment complex.

"I really had a nice time" I smile and he does too

"I did too" he replies and kisses my cheek, I unlock my door, walk in and shut my door and breathe out, I have a boyfriend... He's eventually gonna have to meet my family, my dad and brother... Oh gosh, their going to scare him to death.

"Annie he's like amazing" I say over the phone

"Have guys kissed?" She asks

"On the cheeks" I reply

"Girl! You two gotta kiss!" She says and I roll my eyes

"I gotta go, kiss him!" She encourages and I sigh and hang up, we will, soon...

I have a feeling that I want this a story... What do you guys think? If so one of you lucky people can make the cover AND help me write it.

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