My Whole Soul

887 13 8


January 1998

"Papa!" Peeta holds tight onto his Father's hand as the rain pelts his pale skin, he spots his Mother with his baby brother wrapped tightly in blankets 

"Mama!" His voice is hardly heard through the thunder and the harshness of the rain. His Mother looks over at them and as her lips part a wave crashes over. His eyes close for a second. Nothing. Peeta lets go of his Father's hand and rushes to the side of the ship.

"Mama! Come back!" He screams as he cries

"Peeta! You need to come with me!" His Father shouts dragging Peeta away to a different part of the deck. He lifts Peeta into a wooden life boat along with a wooden box.

"You will stay in this boat. No matter what!" Peeta nods as his Father tightens the life jacket, he lowers Peeta down  and into the raging water. It happens faster than Peeta can imagine, there are yelling orders from crew members then a loud noise. 

Peeta's little eyes widen as he sees fire start and his Father's body falls over the edge, landing in the raging water. Peeta screams his Father's name, he wants to jump in but he listens to his Father's voice mere minutes before. Peeta lays on the floor of the boat, crying and holding tightly to the soft brown wooden box. His life completely ripped apart.

15 Years Later-

"Katniss, My Dearest. You must go and explore" Katniss looks up from writing and scowls at her Father

"There's nothing to explore, I've seen the plants I needed and studied them. I don't need to explore" her Father sighs and sits next to her 

"Listen, go out just for today. If you don't find any interest, I won't bother you about it again" he replies, Katniss sighs then puts down her pencil

"Fine" she moves to sit on the edge of her bed then pulls on her non-heeled boots

"Just, stay on the marked path that the tribe marked" Katniss stands with a small smile and kisses her Father's cheek

"No need to worry, Papa" she hugs him then leaves their little village house, Katniss smiles as she passes some of the people in the tribe. Some children laugh and dance around her before continuing what they were doing.

She enters the forrest on the path marked by the tribe she lives with. She un-button's her blouse and ties the bottom pieces together. One thing about living in Africa is that it is extremely hot, Katniss has been living there since she was eight and she still can't seem to get use to the humid weather, although, she finds herself finding more benefits out of it.

She continues on the trail until something catches her eye, a figure on all fours in a distant branch. She stares at the figure until she realises that it is staring at her, it seems so... human like. She starts stepping off the trail and closer to the figure.

In one quick rush it swings away, she furrows her eyebrows before continuing on the path. She reaches the end but instead of turning back, she continues on, pushing oversized leaves and ducking thick branches.

As she continues on she starts hearing it... is that waves? She continues on and finds white sand. She pushes more leaves away and gasps, the water is a beautiful light blue, the waves are soft against the sand. She takes off her boots, her shorts and unties her shirt. Katniss dives into the water and smiles as the cool water immediately cools her down.

After swimming she reaches the land safely and decides to just put on her green cover-up. She walks the beach singing aloud, studying the beautiful scenery. Her curiosity spikes as she spots something sitting on the sand. She runs her fingers over the white chipped paint.

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