Everlark Reunion

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When Peeta comes back from the Capitol


I wait sitting on the bench at the station, I at least tried to look my best today after nine months of n showering and nightmares, my hair up to my back now but I put it in a single braid, this is it, the day he comes home after all these months of therapy, one question remains, is the real Peeta back or was the hijacking so bad that he can't return.

The train comes to a stop and people file off only a little bit and that's when I see the familiar ashy blonde haired boy, he searches around and our eyes connect, staring deeply into each other's eyes, he starts moving, bag over his shoulders, soon he's over and Haymich and himself hug

"Great to have you back boy" Haymich says smiling and Peeta does too

"It's great to be back" he smiles looking around the sunny district and he moves on to me, before I didn't get a good look but now, I see no pain in his eyes, the old warm and sane Peeta, I don't hesitate and hug him and he hugs back, taking in his scent, cinnamon and freshly baked bread

"I missed you" I whisper

"I missed you too" he whispers back in reply

"Okay let's get you home" Haymich says and we start walking away, me hugging Peetas side, afraid he'll leave if I let go and he holds me tightly.

*9 years later*

"Mommy" my three year old son shakes me awake and I open my eyes, Peeta asleep next to me

"Yeah pumpkin" I say half asleep

"Willow me hungry" he states and I sigh sitting up and look to Peeta who's smiling in his sleep, I decide not to wake him and take my son downstairs where my five year old daughter is, sitting at the table

"Okay, let's start breakfast!" I say and start making scrambled eggs and bacon on toast, a breakfast that Peeta actually thinks is better then his, soon I feel arms around my waist and I smile as my husband plants a kiss on my neck

"Mornin" I greet

"Morning beautiful" he replies and we kiss, we've come this far and after five years of Peeta and I being married I decided to agree and choose to have his children, I don't regret it, not one bit.

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