Merry Little Christmas

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Have yourself a merry little Christmas
Make the Yuletide gay
From now on, our troubles will be miles away

I listen to the song playing in the store that I'm currently in just to get out of the cold, it's been my second Christmas alone now seeing as mom, Prim and my step dad all went on a vacation. I look around the shop and as I look at the makeup section I notice a guy about my age next to me

"Who you shopping for?" He asks as some of his blonde hairs peak out from his black beanie

"No one really. It's my second Christmas alone this year... my family are going on a vacation that they've been planning for a while" I explain and he frowns

"No one should be alone on Christmas" he says but I shrug

"I'm use to not feeling wanted" I reply with a sad smile

"I was at my friends place and decided to take a walk and go look at the big Christmas tree in time square. Would you like to come?" He asks

"Your not some creep or something right?" I ask him making him laugh

"No I'm not. I'm Peeta Mellark. Your name is?"

"Katniss Everdeen" I smile while shaking his hand and we both walk out into the nipping cold

"So I assume you're not actually from New York?" He asks

"No. My hometown Lewisburg West Virginia" I reply

"Really? I'm from Princeton! Just an hour away" he smiles

"I thought I knew that accent somewhere. So what's brought you to the city that never sleeps?" I ask and he shrugs

"I guess... my mother was always breathing down my neck and so I needed my own space, got into a college here and I've loved it here ever since, I was going to go home for Christmas but my trip was cancelled, my girlfriend I was with till high school had been cheating on me that was only three weeks ago" he admits as the cashier puts Prims present in the plastic bag, I grab it and follow Peeta out of the store

"What about you? A beautiful girl like you shouldn't be alone on Christmas" he compliments

"Well it's true. My family went on vacation and since my dad died the rest of my family and mine have been... distant, they haven't talked to us since dad died so I really wouldn't have anyone to go home to" I explain, why am I being so open to him? He's a complete stranger

"Wow that must be tough. You know my dad died when I was twelve..." he admits and I turn to look at him

"Really?" I ask

"Yeah. He died of a heart attack while I was at school" he says

"Oh I'm so sorry to hear that" I frown

"Yeah... he was like my best friend. He got me, don't get me wrong, I love my mother but she never got me like my dad did"

"That was the same with my father and I. I miss him... a lot, I've never liked any guy since he died" I admit

"So you don't have a boyfriend?" Peeta asks

"No, I mean I lost my best friend Gale because he had feelings for me but I didn't feel the same" I sigh

"So he just stoped talking to you?" He asks

"Yeah but it's okay. I'm use to being unwanted, since dad died I could tell my little sister was the thing that mattered to my mother, I was alone during college and I'm alone now, I guess that's how it's meant to be" I admit as we sit on a bench that's across from the huge Christmas tree

"That's not true. I'm sure your mother loves you" he comforts

"Sure she does, she didn't congratulate me from graduating college or getting into the best med School there is and so I just gave up" I sigh

"You went to med school?" Peeta asks and I nod

"Yeah I'm now a nurse and midwife, I've got a lot of people who like me at work but somehow I'm still alone" I say

"Well... I'm here and you seem like a nice, beautiful girl" he trails off, is he really asking me out?

"I mean I know how you feel about guys but I'd really like to—" I cut him off by kissing him, at first he freezes but then he kisses back and eventually he takes more of the lead

"I'd love too" I smile


6 Years Later

The cries of a baby is heard through the room and for once I'm not the one helping the patient deliver, Peeta and I's beautiful baby girl has arrived exactly on Christmas Day, the day Peeta and I first met, the day where our little girl entered the world. After Peeta has cut her cord and when she gets cleaned up I'm finally able to hold her properly and she's the most beautiful baby I've ever seen, hair as dark as mine and the bluest eyes like Peeta, it's a blue that I've never seen on a baby

"She's here.... the best Christmas present of all" I whisper looking at Peeta who wipes his wet cheeks

"She's beautiful" he whispers back, Peeta and I kiss then we look at our sleeping daughter as the special song plays through the hospital.

Have yourself a merry little Christmas
Make the Yuletide gay
From now on, our troubles will be miles away

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