My World

1K 23 18

Peeta- 19
Katniss- 16


"So who's the hottie?" Her best friend Johanna asks plopping next to Katniss on her window seat. She can see the front of the neighbours' home. Including the college student she's crushing so hard on as he works on what she recognises as his dad's truck with no shirt on

"He's the parents' who lives there son. He's just finished his first year in college" Katniss tells her, never taking her eyes off of the attractive... very shirtless man

"I don't understand. You get to look at a hot college student all summer while I have to deal with an elderly couple and their nuisance of a grandson who is the worst six year old in the universe" Johanna complains, Katniss rolls her eyes. As of today it's the first Saturday of summer break and once she saw the Mellarks son come out of a taxi and up to the house, Katniss couldn't help but thank the lords above

"My dad was talking to Mr Mellark and he said that he's staying for the entire summer. They're coming over for dinner tonight" Katniss is well acquainted with Mr and Mrs Mellark. They moved here half-way through the school year and they were immediate friends to her father, with their two older sons living else where with families of their own and their youngest only just starting college, they were lonely and looked to their neighbours across from them to fill it

"What? I chose the wrong day to go to Glimmers stupid summer party" Johanna grumbles. Katniss gives her a small smile at the mention of the party everyone but her was invited to. Glimmer has hated Katniss for as long as she could remember and it's only because her now boyfriend, Cato Anderson, was un-healthily obsessed with her and didn't give Glimmer the light of day. That was until she made it clear that she wasn't looking for sex and he immediately ran to Glimmer who gave him what he was looking for

"Why did you even say you were going if you want to bail?" Katniss scoffs

"I thought there was going to be alcohol involved. The bitch is only having mock-tails and fake martini's made with soda water. Annie also didn't have the heart to say no and is dragging me since Finnick has gone camping" Johanna grumbles

"What were you expecting? We're only sixteen Jo" Katniss looks at her pointedly

"Well I'm sorry. My dad let me have a beer the other day and now I want more" Johanna shrugs. Johanna's parents' aren't exactly committed, Johanna has to do her own cooking, laundry and cleaning. This was all at the age of ten. Plus, they're not always gentle towards Johanna, something that Katniss has witnessed and it got so bad that her dad had agreed to let her spend a couple of days at theirs, Katniss often feels bad for her friend.

Her and Johanna are dragged outside to the front yard by Prim who wanted to show Johanna all of her new gymnastic skills. Katniss looks towards the Mellark house and her breath hitches to see Peeta looking at them, he notices Katniss watching and flashes her a grin

"Hello Peeta!" Prim calls out, waving frantically. Katniss sees him chuckle before he waves back to her younger sister. Prim didn't hesitate to introduce herself immediately once she saw Peeta get out of the taxi, Katniss shyly waited on her front porch while her younger sister socialised with her new neighbour for the summer. Katniss quickly looks away from Peeta but notices her friend smirking at her

"He was totally checking you out. Not to mention, you're definitely dressed to impress" Johanna snorts, Katniss scowls

"He wasn't checking me out and there's nothing wrong with what I'm wearing" Katniss glares at her

"He was looking you up and down. Your clothes? Short shorts? Tank top that shows your entire stomach? And since when do you wear your hair out of a braid?" Johanna grins amusingly at her friend

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