You Saved Me

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As usual I wake up screaming from a nightmare.... the usual which is watching everyone I care about dying, including Peeta and Haymitch, it goes on like a loop just repeating again and again each time I tried getting closer. The worst ones is when I have to choose if I want to save one or the other and when I don't end up choosing one both will die, I go through that nightmare every night....

"Leave me alone" I whisper into my quiet room, thinking that I'm talking to my nightmares but obviously I'm being stupid and there's only one way to stop.... so I go through the draws in the kitchen to find a big sharp knife

"Take me away from this place" I say, I drop the knife as blood spills on my wooden floor but I could careless because it worked but just as I fell someone caught me and when I just started closing my eyes I could see those familiar cerulean eyes staring at me, I whisper one word before I fall unconscious, Peeta


When I wake up I'm surrounded by darkness, where am I? Last thing I remember is.... oh, now I know what happened but just as I was about to sit there and regret my decision a white light shines but the feeling of happiness and safety is felt through it. My eyes grow wide when I see the two familiar figures smiling at me

"Dad? Prim?" I say not really believing my eyes

"My girl, my beautiful daughter. Why did you do that to yourself?" He asks as I hug him

"I'm sorry.... I was alone and I couldn't bare it any longer" I sniff with a frown

"Katniss, I know it's hard but you can't stay here" Prim tells me after I hug her

"You don't want me here?" I reply

"It's not that, Katniss. There's still things you need to do, people you need to see who can't live without you" my dad answers and I know exactly who he's talking about

"But he doesn't love me anymore, daddy. The Capitol destroyed him and he can never forgive me.... he sees me for what I truely am" I frown

"That's not true. He was the one who caught you just as you fell. He ran well more like sprinted to the hospital and hasn't left since. That boy loves you just as much as he use to but if you come with us then that boy will never be the same, he'll never forgive himself" my dad explains making me sigh because he's right.... I can't leave Peeta

"You're right. I don't want you to but you're right" I sigh at my father who smiles

"I'm so proud Katniss, you looked after your sister really well. I always knew that you and that boy would have a thing going on. He's grown to be a good man just like his father, remember that he loves and cares about you, my little hunter" he smiles and I hug him and Prim once more

"We'll be watching over you Katniss.... just promise you won't do it again" Prim says

"I promise, little duck" I smile before turning away from my father and sister then continue to walk away from them, never turning back.


When I open my eyes again I'm not at home or where I was before.... I'm in a hospital and sitting in a chair asleep by my bed is Peeta.... he's here? For me? I thought he hated me, I do remember seeing him before I fell unconscious but why was he so close by? I thought he was in the Capitol. Not too long after I wake up he begins to stir till he opens his eyes and those beautiful blues stare into my grey ones

"Katniss....." he whispers and I nod, his eyes have tears but he refuses to let them fall and he hugs me which I didn't expect but I don't mind it either because I smell his usual scent which is the smell of cinnamon and bread, the smell of comfort and security

"You don't hate me?" I ask my eyes filling up with tears of their own

"Of course not. That was the Capitols doing, I blame myself every waking moment because of what I did to you" he admits but I shake my head

"Don't.... don't blame yourself, like you said it was the Capitol not you. You saved me from dying multiple times including now so don't you go blaming yourself" I reply, taking his hand with mine

"Katniss.... why'd you do it?" He frowns

"The nightmares, every night. They got too much" I admit, ashamed of my actions

"Well, I'm here now. Nothing like this will never happen again, I promise" he replies kissing my forehead making me smile.

A Few Years Later

Like usual I feel an arm securely around my waist, I smile at the feeling of my husbands presents so close to me. I turn around to see Peeta's sleeping face, he's been up all night with Willow because of her teething, he says it's so I don't get warn out but I could care less about that. I brush the hair from his forehead which causes him to groan, he really needs a hair cut....

"You know staring is impolite" I hear him say, I notice now that I've been staring and didn't notice that he woke up

"Oh hush. You stare all the time so I'm going to stare" I defend making him chuckle

"Touché. You know, you're so incredibly beautiful" he grins, I roll my eyes

"Peeta, you've already gotten marriage and a child out of me. No flattery is needed" I reply, he then rolls over and hovers over me to kiss down my neck

"Oh but I love it. You're beautiful, and smart, brave, and selfless. I'll never stop flattering you. Ever" he mumbles during kisses

"You know, your missing my mouth" I reply, he smirks before he places his lips on mine and like always I run my hand through his blonde hair

"You know.... I'll never get tired of kissing your lips everyday" he sighs

"Neither will I. My one and only" I smile and he does too before putting his lips back on mine, I trail my hands slowly down his body and he does with me but just as it gets interesting we hear the cries of our daughter making Peeta groan

"I'll go this time, you spent almost all night with her" I smile, he nods getting off me. I open the door to where Willows cries are heard, her soft room painted green like the forest, Peeta was happy to get back into painting and so he painted green trees with flowers and animals scattered around then he painted the sky a beautiful sunset, it's one of the most calming rooms in the house. I go to the crib that holds my six month old daughter sitting up crying as she reaches out for me

"Hey.... is that teething hurting?" I coo picking her up, I start to rock from side to side softly

"It's okay, sweetie. I know it hurts but you've got to be strong for me" I whisper as she looks up at me sucking on her fist, I truely love this fragile little being that Peeta and I made, I now know what my father and Prim had meant by there were things I still needed to do all those years ago.... they knew I was to get married and of course have a beautiful child.

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