The Boyfriend

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Third Person POV

This is the night, it's the night Willow's family will meet her boyfriend now her father Peeta was in the army for a few years but retired when him and his wife Katniss had their second child, he then became an officer one of the respected men around and he's very protective when it comes to his only daughter a specially if it includes boys, but since Willow was in college it was easier for her to date her father still doesn't approve even though she is nineteen but he still sees her as his little girl.

She holds her boyfriends house as they walk up the porch to her childhood home, she knocks twice and wait a moment and the door opens revealing a woman very good looking for her age,Willow smiled and hugged the woman who was her mother

"Hey mom" she greeted and her mother smiled

"My darling girl. And you must be Thomas, I'm Katniss" her mother introduced and he smiled

"Pleasure to meet you" Katniss then let's them in and Willow is greeted by her younger brother who immediately hugs her

"Hey Rye. Since I saw you you were hell small man. You're getting hell tall" she says to her brother and he laughs and Willow goes into the lounge where her six month old brother is on his play pen, she picks him up and he giggles and she walks over to her boyfriend

"This is Michael. But we all call him Mikey" she notifies

"You can tell he's part of the family, you both have the same eyes" he replies and Willow gives her little brother to her mother who makes last minute things and then big loud steps are heard from the stairs and Willow's eyes light up

"Daddy!" She squeals and runs into he's arms hugging his daughter tightly

"My baby girl. Look at you, you leave me for a year and come back like a woman" he says and she takes her father over to her boyfriend who is trying not to look scared

"Dad. This is my boyfriend Thomas, the one I was telling you and mom about. Thomas my dad" she introduces and Peeta walks over to the boy

"Straighten up boy" Willow's father commands and he does what he's told

"Peeta. Stop scaring the poor boy. Now take Mikey while I set the table" Katniss says giving her son to his father and Katniss gets Thomas out of the situation by getting him to help her get everything ready.


"What do you want to do kid?" Peeta asks making Thomas gulp

"A uh a doctor sir" he replies

"Being a doctor is nothing compared to being in the army. Or being an officer of the law" Peeta states

"Dad. Please, not this" Willow groans

"What makes you want to be a doctor?" Peeta asks

"Well I like the idea of saving lives and I always got straight A's and B's in all my classes" he admits and Peeta sits back in his chair

"I like the idea of saving lives. But that didn't always happen" Peeta speaks

"Peeta please" his wife sighed at her husband but he ignored it

"You know Thomas, when I was in the army I watched my best friend being blown to bits by the enemy. I've got extreme expectations for my little girl. I expect you treat her like she's the queen. I expect you to think of her as yours and not look at other women, cause if I find out that you've hurt my little girl, my god boy things would be very bad for you" Peeta threatened, the whole table was silent all that was heard was the baby noises coming from Mikeys mouth

"I promise sir. I'll live up to your expectations"

"You better kid"

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