Father's Day

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"Mama! Look I'm Captain Underpants!" My four year old son exclaims, his grey eyes sparkling and his blonde hair poking out from the underwear on his head but also wearing no clothes but his underwear

"Are you now? Well does Captain Underpants want to get dressed?" I reply bobbing down to his height

"Not really" he giggles, he's definitely his father's son

"Well then I guess he doesn't want to help cooking breakfast for daddy" I say standing up

"He does! He does! He does!" He chants

"Well he better get dressed quick!" I tell him and he races out of the kitchen, I chuckle a bit and continue getting ingredients out, today is Father's Day, the one day I can do something for my husband and he can't do anything to stop me, Peeta and I have been dating since high school but our twelve year old daughter was conceived in our second last year of college... we hadn't seen each other all year seeing as we went to different colleges but we didn't care then, after Jane was born we both fell even more in love and surprisingly got through the rest of our college year pretty fast and we did it all on our own but of course came the getting married then the one and only Noah was born, he was a great baby but a crazy one, when he was one all he ever did was want to climb and be silly so we were always keeping an eye out for him, he hasn't changed now but we love him how he is and we don't want that to change, now that leaves with Isabelle, our five month old daughter who is quite the smiler, it seems that she never stops but it's the most cutest little thing anyone would ever see.

"Mom. Dad's still sleeping and he's not waking up, I've tried to wake him but it didn't work" Jane sighs just as Noah runs in and starts bugging his sister straight away

"Stop it booger breath" she says

"No! You fart face" he fights back

"Both of you stop. I'm going upstairs to wake up your father now I don't want to hear any fighting or no TV for the rest of this weekend" I warn them, after making myself clear I make my way upstairs and into my bedroom where Peeta is still sleeping, I crawl over him and kiss his forehead

"Baby... wake uuuup" I smirk

"Five mor minutes" he groans, I lean down and softly kiss his lips, I keep doing it till he starts kissing back

"Mmm. I like you in tight shorts" he smirks rubbing my arse through my denim jean shorts

"Yeah? Well you want see much of it laying here will you?" I say and he sighs

"Fiiiiine I'm up and awake" he groans as I get off the bed and go downstairs successful. With the help of Jane and Noah, Peeta's breakfast is made more slower than you think and in the and I do all the work because it came to throwing raw bacon everywhere

"It smells nice" Peeta says wrapping his arms from behind me and kisses my neck

"Even better than your cooking?" I smirk

"Not that nice but it's close" he replies making me scoff and turn off the stove then turn around

"Oh really? Sooo that's what you think huh?" I smirk

"Hey, I'm meant to be the cocky one" he whispers in my ear then slams his lips against mine, his hands slowly go up over my shirt and over my boobs, he squeezes them making a little groan come from my mouth

"Um! Ew!" We hear a voice and immediately break apart

"Jane. What are you doing? I told you to help your brother with his reading" I embarrassingly state

"I was till I heard noises in here and I wish I never came in here" she replies making fake vomiting sounds

"Well, breakfast is ready. Come help me prepare your father's plate" I quickly recover, I escort Peeta to the table and I get Noah and Izzy so they're included with the preparing.


We all sit around the table laughing as Peeta tells his dad jokes, I know most families do the whole breakfast in bed thing but ever since we had Jane, Peeta and I both realised that we can't sit in our bed when it's Mothers or Father's Day alone eating breakfast off a tray, we'd rather spend it with our kids because we love them and even though this day is for us to get away from our kids, it just doesn't feel right so that's why we came up with our own tradition that we do every Mothers and Father's Day.

"She likes a boy? Since when?" Peeta asks as we do the dishes

"Since... a few months ago" I reply

"And I wasn't told because..."

"Because you always overreact on things like this" I sigh

"No I don't"

"You do. Remember that boy who liked Jane? And when she told you the next day you went to his house and spoke with him" I recall while rolling my eyes

"Every father needs to talk to the guy before he dates his daughter" Peeta defends

"Well that 'guy' was five..." I reply using air quotes

"Okay fine maybe I do a little. What's this kids name anyways?" He asks

"Oh no you don't, I'm not saying a peep more" I smirk

"Wow... that's so uncool on so many levels" Peeta replies

"Not when I'm saving the poor boy from a two hour lecture" I chuckle

"Katnisssssss, please I promise I won't say or do anything" he says

"Sorry mister but I'm not saying another word" I chuckle as I proceed to do the dishes

"Okayyyy, you know I could drop the kids off before work tomorrow you know ca—" I turn and give him a serious look but he puts on his innocent face hoping that I'll fall for it but I know when I give him this look he knows to drop it

"Okay I'll drop it" he sighs, Peeta is the most protective dads that they come in but that's the one thing I love about him.

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