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As the elevator doors open I walk towards my work cubicle, I've been working here since I got kicked out of college who knew I'd still be working here. As I sit down I look at the picture that sits on my desk of my nephew and I, it's one of my favourites because it was the time when everything was okay but now family is the last thing I have right now even though it's the thing I crave for the most. After I had a fight with my sister Prim not that long ago, she cut all contact of talking to me which meant I couldn't see my four year old nephew who I miss everyday.

"Did you hear that the CEO of the company is coming in today" my friend Madge says next to me as I photo copy some papers

"I don't see what the big deal about the all so mighty CEO is. He's never here anyway" I complain

"But he's super attractive" Madge sighs

"The CEO? Attractive? Oh please he's probably the most ignorant and rude person there is if he doesn't have time to see us more often then why should we think like that?" I scoff, Madges eyes look like they're about to pop out because of what I said, I go to add but I hear a deep voice interrupt me

"So that's what you really think does it?" I slowly turn around and there he stands, the CEO, the person who gives me the money I need... shit

"I uh I—"

"Follow me Miss Everdeen" he says and I do, we walk all the way to the top floor where the more people higher than us work, Mr Mellark walks all the way to a single door, he opens it and gestures for me to enter and when I do I sit in the chair across from his desk, quiet as a mouse

"So, Miss Everdeen... do you value your job here?" He asks as he sits across from me at his desk


"You do? That's interesting..." he smirks

"I'm sorry! I shouldn't have said those things about you especially because your my boss but please don't fire me! I need the money so bad. I'm already behind rent on my apartment" I beg

"Katniss... I wasn't going to fire you. I was going to promote you actually" he corrects and my eyes widen

"I've been looking for an assistant. I found one, I'm sure you need the money and besides don't ever be sorry for speaking what you truely feel. So what's your answer? I'll give you thirty seven dollars an hour" he says

"Um yeah, sure" I reply and he chuckles

"Great. Well have your office transferred here tomorrow. Make sure to come here and not your normal work area" he instructs and I nod.


"So. What's it like working for the CEO?!" Madge squeals as we sit at a park bench across from our work building for our lunch break

"It's alright. Luckily he hasn't held me to what I said about him" I shrug

"You guys should totally hook up" Madge dreamily sighs and I spit out my coffee

"Madge Charlotte Undersee! Why would I do that! He's my boss!" I tell my friend off

"What? I totally would" she admits

"Don't you have Gale though?" I ask with a raised eyebrow

"Hey, no matter how hot a man is I could never betray Gale but that still doesn't mean I can't appreciate the male gender" she replies

"But I've seen you walk next to Mr Mellark, you guys definitely are the perfect couple" she smirks eating her leftover pasta that she brought from home

"Well we can't. I'm his assistant, plus he doesn't want to date a girl who can't almost afford her own apartment" I admit but that makes Madge frown

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