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"Momma, how much longer?" Katniss looks in the rear view mirror and grins at her two daughters sitting in their car seats

"Just another hour, baby. I promise" she replies, her daughters both let out an identical over-exaggerated sigh which causes Katniss to chuckle. Katniss was freshly in college when she got pregnant with her daughters, she remembers exactly who the father was but didn't think it was worth telling him. When she woke up in her room the next day, there was no trace of him, she cursed herself for ignoring what he was like back in high school.

She didn't let the fact that she was pregnant to jeopardise her scholarship that lasted her college education to be a RN, by her second year she had two newborn twin baby girls. It was extremely difficult to say the least but Katniss pulled through, she graduated with a bachelor's degree of science in nursing with twin two year old girls by her side. Two years later, she's a RN with two almost four year old daughters which is not where she saw herself this far down the track, at least not the child aspect but she loves her daughters with all her heart.

She isn't surprised when she pulls into their new townhouse garage that her daughters are fast asleep. Thankfully, Katniss had all their things moved a week prior and so she can lay her daughters on their beds before going downstairs, looking around at all of the still sealed boxes, Katniss sighs before ripping open a box.

Katniss is moving things around in her new room until she hears little giggling and running feet behind her. Katniss grins and waits a moment before turning around, eyeing the lump under her covers.

"I wonder where Fayre and Willow are?" She calls out, the lump under the covers moves and giggling is heard throughout the room

"Are they in the closet?" Katniss checks the closet playfully

"No... what about... behind the curtain?" She shoves the curtain back, she hears them both squeal

"Or maybe they're under the bed?" She says, she stays silent for a moment before shoving the covers away and attacking her daughters with kisses

"I found you both! I found my beautiful Fayre and Willow!" Katniss ceases her kissing to look into her daughters cerulean and silver eyes, blue eyes that remind Katniss so much of their father

"It took you longer than last time!" Fayre giggles and Katniss chuckles

"That's because your hiding spot was so much better! Eskimo kisses?" Katniss replies, they nod and they all rub their noses together

"When can we go and see Primmy and Yaya?" Willow asks her mother

"We we're meant to be there an hour ago but you both were sleeping, Eskimo" Katniss chuckles

"Can we go now?" Fayre asks

"Sure we can. We'll have our dinner there" Katniss answers. Driving around her childhood home makes Katniss' mind fill with memories that she fondly looks back on, with people she can't wait to see again. She pulls up to the driveway of her moms driveway, her childhood home where she had also made memories

"There's Yaya!" Fayre and Willow squeal, unbuckling their straps and hopping out of the car to hug their grandmother, Katniss chuckles at both of her daughters energy before getting out of the car and locking it

"Look at you two! You're both so big from the last time I saw you!" Katniss' mother says, smiling down at her granddaughters

"I know. We turn four next month" Fayre says, holing up for fingers

"Well, I think you're lying" both of the little girls eyes light up when they see their Aunt and they immediately run to embrace Prim while Katniss approaches her mom, giving her a hug

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