What If?

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What if Peeta never got hijacked?

What if Peeta's father and brother survived the bombings?

What if Katniss and Peeta we're together when Peeta got back?


"You know pacing won't make them get here any quicker" Haymich grumbles as he takes a sip of his alcohol, I stop to glare at him, I don't have time for his stupidity right now because right now I'm worried my best friend and the man I love could get killed and I'm on edge, the doors open and Peeta's father walks in and I look at him with hopeful eyes of their return but he just shakes his head, I sigh sitting down on the bench in the eating hall and Mr Mellark sits next to me

"This is all my fault... If I had just left when Peeta said, if only we took that coil together he'd be here... but he's not because I was too much of a symbol to care" I sniff

"Listen, I know it's hard trust me Peeta is my son and I don't think I can deal with losing another son but if they get there in time Peeta and the girls with him will make it back safely and if I know my boy I know that he's not going to blame you, he's going to be ecstatic when you see him again" Mr Mellark comforts and puts an arm around me and rubs my arm

"Peeta's lucky that he has a dad like you, you're a really good man Mr Mellark" I say wiping my cheeks

"Thank you Katniss, call me Sam" he replies and kisses my forehead, just as we get ready to leave Peeta's older brother Rye comes running in

"We need to go to the hospital quarters! They're back!" He exclaims out of breath and I immediately sprint past Rye and all the way down the hall, I'm not stopping, if I stop then I won't get there in time, I reach the hospital quarters in no time and my heart swells as Finnick and Annie both reunite but I still need to see Peeta, as I look around I can see Gale getting patched up

"Are you okay?" I ask worriedly and he gives me a small smile and chuckles

"Would you stop worrying about me? Someone more important needs you..." he says and I give him a big hug as I thank him, I now jog at a much slower pace till I see doctor A coming out of a room, he gives me a gentle smile and a nod before letting me into the room, Peeta stands at the mirror cleaning his wounds

"Peeta?" I croak, I see him freeze and slowly he turns and I tear up as I see him, his cheeks much thinner, his face all bruised up and with all these cuts

"Katniss... I-I—" he doesn't finish because I run up to him and just embrace him, not letting him go

"Thank god you're okay, I was worried sick the entire time you were in that awful place" I cry and he comforts me although it should be me comforting him

"I'm fine now, I'm okay. I'm with you now and I promise I won't leave you ever again" he comforts and we break our hug but I can't help myself, my lips find his which I know surprises him but eventually he kisses back and wraps his arms around my waist so then mine go around his neck, god knows how long we were kissing but I know it was a pretty long time because I hear someone clear their throat and when we break away we see Haymich smirking and next to him is Peeta's father and brother

"I see sweetheart got to you before we did" Haymich smirks but I roll my eyes

"Peeta, my boy" Sam says with relief as he brings Peeta into his embrace then he's followed by Rye, his dad is the one to break it to Peeta that his mom and other brother died during the bombing but we were all there to support him which is really all he needed.


I wake up with a smile on my face as I remember what happened with Peeta and I yesterday, I had a nightmare again and so I paid him a visit to his living quarters and let's just say we got a little out of hand... as I sit up I notice Peeta sitting on the edge of the bed looking at me with a small grin on his face

"Hey you" I smile

"Hey, I would've woke you but you just looked so peaceful" he replies

"I'm happy you're back, I can finally be happy" I admit scooting over so that we're face to face, I start unbuttoning his jumpsuit but he just chuckles and grabs my writs

"We can't now Katniss.... they're expecting us to do our daily work right now" he says but I just roll my eyes

"I'll give you two options.... we can either go with your way or mine..." I whisper in his ear as I continue to unbutton him

"Katniss.... they'll get angry" he warns

"Who cares, I'm the mockingjay. They need me no matter what" I smirk and he does too, he pushes me down which makes me squeal and he starts putting those magical lips of his to work.

By the time we're both finished with round two we don't even get a rest till we hear a loud knock on the locked door, I look to Peeta with wide eyes where my expression is mirrored

"Mr Mellark, May I have a word?" We hear Coins voice from behind the door, fuck!

"Yes! I'll be with you in a minute!" He replies back, we both stumble around and I look around to hide somewhere but there's nowhere to hide, after we're both dressed and fixed up Peeta unlocks the door and opens it, Coin walks in but when she sees me she doesn't even look surprised

"I know this is not my business but we do not allow two people rolling around in the sheets together in the wrong living quarters" she states

"You're right... it's not your business" I snap at her, both of our eyes shooting fire at each other, god I hate this woman

"Katniss. It's okay" Peeta reassures me and I give Coin one last glare before standing next to Peeta

"I apologise Coin, I know that all you've given us here is hospitality but Katniss and I haven't seen each other in months, we're in love. I hope you are not too disappointed, it was my fault, I brought her here and I initiated it first so do not punish Katniss" Peeta explains, I go to speak up but Peeta grabs my hand

"I will let you off with a warning Mr Mellark, just because you both have reunited does not mean this behaviour is tolerated around here unless you are married" she warns then leaves, Peeta shuts the door with a deep sigh

"I can't believe you took the blame for me..." I say wrapping my arms around his neck

"Well I'd like to think I'm still a pretty good actor" he smirks making me roll my eyes, we both lean in and join our lips for a kiss, god I missed this man....

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