Sperm Doner

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"Katniss... you don't have to do this" my best friend Madge says as I sit in the waiting room, I've decided to have a baby but through sperm donation, I found the perfect guy for it, blonde hair, blue eyes, baker, painter and he enjoys helping people in need and that sounded like someone I honestly wouldn't mind helping me to have a baby

"Madge, I'm thirty-two, single and with no children or husband. I mean usually that wouldn't bother me but now it does" I reply

"Okay but remember that I'm here for you and every decision that you make" she smiles and I do too. It's not long till I'm called out and told to enter the room without Madge which is a little nerve racking but not so much at the same time

"Okay how've you been feeling?" The doctor old enough to be my dad asks

"I'm feeling okay, a little nervous" I admit

"That's completely normal" he comforts and I nod

"Now, let's get started"


I walk around my apartment with my hand on my little swollen belly as I talk to my sister Prim on the phone, telling her and my parents about the whole sperm donor thing was hard, there was a little bit of freaking out but soon everyone was alright with it and I call them every week to update them of anything and send them pictures of the two sonogram pictures of the baby that were taken on my first and third month which they just adored

"So are you going to find out what the gender is going to be?" Prim asks

"No I've decided that I don't want to know till the baby's born" I sigh

"I wish you didn't live all the way in California, we miss you here in Colorado" Prim sadly admits

"I know little duck but there was nothing for me there, I love my job here but I'll visit all the time and so will you, mom and dad" I comfort and she sighs

"Yeah I guess" she says

"Listen, I gotta go but I'll call again next week okay?" I say

"Okay talk to you then, byyye" she replies, once I say goodbye I look down at my stomach and sigh feeling beyond hungry

"So what is it monkey? What do you want to eat at nine-thirty at night?" I chuckle but when I look in the cupboards the baby doesn't want any of it, even the usual Twinkie dipped in mayo and so I decide to go and check to see if and good places are open. I drive around in my car but hardly anywhere is open but there's one place we haven't checked, the bakery Bakers Bread and Delights, luckily it's open and so I pull into a parking spot but just as I get out a guy is starting to lock up, shit! I'm too hungry to let this person go home!

"Wait!" I cry out running up to the guy almost tripping on the porch stairs but he catches me and I thank the heavens that he did

"Woah! Easy there tiger" he chuckles standing me up

"I'm sorry it's just nowhere is open and I'm really really hungry" I admit but I notice he's looking at me strange

"Are you okay?" I ask him

"Yeah it's just I swear I've seen you before, I mean somewhere else" he replies

"Really? Well I have no idea where you could've seen me, do you maybe know my name from someone? I'm Katniss Everdeen" I suggest and his eyes grow wide

"Katniss?" He asks okay that is kind of weird how he said that

"Yeah? That's my name but who are you?" I reply

"Katniss! It's me! Peeta Mellark! From high school!" He smiles and it all comes to me

"Oh my god! Hi!" I smile too

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