Part 2

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Suddenly, one of the guard accidentally steps onto Baekhyun's foot.


Baekhyun throws a loud scream and can't control his body. Luckily, the elder barely catch him before his face touches the hard ground. Baekhyun thanks Xiumin for his fast respond.

"Gomawo cutie pie."

Xiumin seems to be worry about his boyfriend and sit him down on a bench nearby inside the airport. They're waiting for their departure. Xiumin keeps staring into Baekhyun eyes before he speaks.


Baekhyun just nod his head and shows his rectangular smile to the elder. Xiumin take out his water bottle from his backpack and pass it to the younger. Baekhyun takes the water bottle from the elder and take a few sips.

"It's very refreshing. Here."

Baekhyun gives the bottle to his boyfriend and help him drink. They're like a real couple. They really care about each other.

Sharing is definitely not Xiumin's favourite word. He always use his personal stuff alone but not until he knows how much Baekhyun likes to share. He is more open now because he can't say no to his boyfriend. Their different personalities really tightens their bond.

Chanyeol and Chen sudden appearance disturb BaekUmin's moment.

"Hyung, can I sit beside Baekhyun?"

Chanyeol's question makes Xiumin chokes. Baekhyun tap the elder's back. Helping him breathe properly. Then, Xiumin finally reply with a question.

"Why are you asking me? You can ask Baekhyun."

Chanyeol is like a third person who's asking a permission to sit beside someone's girl or guy. Xiumin is quite flustered with Chanyeol's question because he don't want people to feel like he's controlling his boyfriend's action.

"Mianhae Xiumin hyung. Baekhyun-ah, can I?"


Baekhyun glances at his boyfriend. He feels weird because he knows Xiumin can be super jealous when he's too attach or having skin ship with other members. Then, Chen takes a seat beside Xiumin. Chen starts a conversation with the elder.

"Hyung, people always talk about how thin you're. When are you going to gain your weight?"

"I don't think they'll like it ones I turn into a bear. I like myself more now than before."

Baekhyun suddenly interrupt the conversation.

"Minseok hyung looks great now and also before. He can change anytime if he wants but I'll still adore him like always."

Baekhyun is about to kiss his boyfriend's cheek until Xiumin stops him action.

"Stop it puppy. This is public place."

Baekhyun hold his boyfriend's hand instead and start humming to one of EXO's song which is 'Call Me Baby'.

A few minutes later, Suho and the other members come and join Baekhyun, Xiumin, Chanyeol and Chen. They are having a nice conversation until their manager come.

"Here is your tickets guys."

As the group leader, Suho passes the flight tickets around. They are now ready to fly to Seoul.

-----In the flight-----

Baekhyun take his seat beside Xiumin and rest his head on his boyfriend's broad shoulder. After a few minutes, Baekhyun already in his dream. Meanwhile, Xiumin is extremely focus on reading a magazine.

After a while, a stewardess with a slender body walk by and Xiumin ask her to stop.

"Excuse me."

"Yes. Do you need anything sir?"

"I do. Can you get me a blanket? My boyfr.... I mean my friend need it."

Xiumin tongue's slip but he manage to act natural. The stewardess nod and excuse herself to get the blanket. She don't seem to notice. She come back after 5 minutes with a white blanket on her hands.

"Here it is sir. Call me if you need anything."

The stewardess leaves Xiumin with his boyfriend. He then covers his boyfriend with the blanket with his left hand as he can't move his right because of Baekhyun. His head is still on Xiumin's right shoulder. Next, Xiumin pat the younger's head and kiss it softly. He bid a good night before placing his head on Baekhyun's.

"Jaljayo my puppy, Byun Baekhyun."

A long hour flight makes all the members sleep. All kind of snoring can be heard inside the flight.



I don't know what you'll think about my OTP fanfics. Do leave some comments and don't forget to 'VOTE'. I'm still thinking to write some mature content or not. Well, I'm not that good tho. Stay update to know. Keep reading readers~

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