Part 3

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Suddenly, Xiumin starts to scream. He seems to have a nightmare. Baekhyun who is drooling until now already awake because of the elder. The other members are also awake with the eldest alarm.

"Don't.....don't...please don't kill him!"

Baekhyun punches Xiumin's shoulder over and over. He finally wake up to the reality. His body is full of sweat and he tries to catch his breath. Baekhyun's slender fingers wipe his boyfriend sweaty face.

"No one is going to kill anyone. Relax and take a deep breath honey. I will always stay by your side."

Baekhyun's warm words calms his boyfriend. He places his right hand on Xiumin's manly chest and caressing it up and down until his boyfriend is fully calm. Kai who come out of nowhere shows his caring side.

"What's wrong hyung? Having a terrible nightmare?"

"Aniya. I'm fine."

Xiumin hold Baekhyun's hand after replying Kai's question. Xiumin actually experience a bad dream. He is dreaming about his love, Baekhyun in a tragic situation. Someone want to kill him! It seems real although it just a dream.

He's afraid he will lose his eternal love and he's not ready for that. Being with a guy name Byun Baekhyun for almost two months as a couple is too short. He need more time to be with him until something separate them. He hope only death will do that.

Tears suddenly fall from Xiumin's eyes. He rarely cry for anything but today he lost with a dream. He hold onto Baekhyun's hand tighter. There is no gap between their fingers.

The younger who is sitting beside him notices his weird action. He take his blanket and cover the elder and himself. Baekhyun just can't wait until they arrive. He then hold the elder's chin and jab his lips with his.

The elder replies the kiss and caress the younger's body softly. After 10 minutes, Baekhyun break the kiss but let his nose touches the elder. He catches his breath before spitting some words.

"Don't waste your tears. Your beautiful eyes gonna hurt."

He touches the elder's eye smoothly and let the elder reply.

"I dreamt about you being shot by a strange guy. I....."

He places his long index finger on the elder's pink lips, asking him to stop talking.

"That was a dream. I'm in front of you now and I'm 100% alright. Maybe my back is hurt a little but I'm totally fine."

The elder chuckles a bit by his boyfriend little humour. Then, the elder pull the younger's neck and continue their passionate kiss.

The other members know what happen under the blanket but they just pretend they don't and do their things. They let the two have their own time.

-----At Dorm-----

"Yeahh we're home!"


Sehun and Kai enters the dorm first before everyone else. After that, the other members walk in. BaekUmin are the last to enter as they're busy flirting.

"Finally....we're back."

Baekhyun spit out some words and start to push his boyfriend to their room. It's actually the elder's room. He locks the door before jumping onto the bed. Xiumin is mad but try to control his voice.

"I said no jumping on my bed. Change your clothes first puppy."

"Okay. But I don't need clothes."

Baekhyun starts to strip on the bed leaving his boxer on his not so tough body.

"Wear some clothes or you'll get sick."

"It's okay. You can warm me up."

Baekhyun starts to play with his words trying to get the elder's attention. Xiumin just change his clothes in front of the younger. He wears a sleeveless T-shirt and black shorts. The younger starts drooling over the elder's hot body. A bulb suddenly lit up above his head. He starts his act.

"Ahhh my back. It hurts."

"It really hurts? Let me massage you."

Xiumin falls for his boyfriend's act and jump onto his bed. His boyfriend is now lying on the bed in pain. The elder starts to massage the younger's back.

Then, Baekhyun rotate his body and pull Xiumin towards his body. Their eyes met and they both freeze. The unstoppable time seems to stop. The elder's hands touches the younger naked body. Both of them don't know what to do.

To be honest, they really don't know what they're doing. Well, what people normally do on the bed after their eyes met? You know the answer. It's their first time to have a gay relationship. They are both clueless. Their relationship seems to have a certain limit which is kissing and hugging.

They both admit that they love each other but still not sure about 'gay'. They hate it when the members call them gay but a guy-guy relationship is definitely gay! They both rather call their relationship as bromance.



I rather call this OTP as BaekUmin and not XiuBaek because I love Baekhyun first before Xiumin and that really explain everything right? My tiny hope is this EXO OTP(BaekUmin) become as famous as KaiSoo!
p/s: Don't forget to 'VOTE' and give a comment.

BaekUmin Bromance✔(백우민 브로맨스) ♂♂Where stories live. Discover now