Part 9

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The boys' dorm is in perfect silence as all of them are already in their dreamland. The only sound that can be heard is the ticking sound from the clock on the wall.

Baekhyun who's on the couch keeps tossing and hustling. He seems to be uncomfortable. He keeps changing his position from left to right to left and it constantly going until he shows both of his eyes.

Then, he get up and sit on the couch. His messy hair is making the whole scene looks scary. He glances at the clock on the wall. It's nearly 2.10 in the morning. He tries to go back to sleep but fail to do so.

This is new to him. Sleeping without his boyfriend is a bit too much and he wants to play with him more. He really can't lie on what he really wants at this moment. He's feeling needy. He's not in his right mind as he put his hand inside his boxer at the thought of the elder.

He's now full of lust. He need to meet the elder now and have sex with him or he can't stay calm. After that, Baekhyun walks straight to Xiumin's room with a pillow on his left hand. He tries to turn the door knob but he's unlucky. The elder must have think ahead about this.

Baekhyun begin to bang on the door. The bang is getting louder and louder until a hand unlock the door. The younger then ambushes the room and lock the door to be safe from unexpected person.

He begin to pin the elder on the wall. Surprisingly, Xiumin's eyes are not showing that he's shock. He seems fine and not having the face when you see yourself in the mirror after you just awake. Baekhyun roars in front of the elder.

"Rrrrrrr. I need you to be inside me right now. Let's have sex cutie."

"Let's do that but....."

Xiumin push the younger straight onto his bed before he continue his unfinished words. He crawls on the younger and stop before his right ear.

"I'm in charge."


The elder starts off by attacking Baekhyun's neck. He kiss it wild before leaves a love bite under his neck. It's near the younger's collarbone to be exact. The younger wants to respond but being scold by the elder. He is been ask to stay still.

"Don't move or I'll stop!"

"Don't stop. Please I'm so needy. Just f*ck me off already."

Baekhyun is following the elder's command. He's below him and waiting to be f*ck. The elder starts to strip his boyfriend leaving him with no piece of cloth. Then, he continue to kiss the younger's body and his hand keeps caressing the younger weak part.

"Turn around."

The younger rotates his naked body. Xiumin begin to strip himself off and throws his clothes on the floor. Baekhyun does the doggy style by showing his twin ass in front of the elder.
Xiumin lowers his face and licks the younger hole deliciously. He then places his member between Baekhyun's ass and makes his way inside it. The younger is tight although it's his second time.

"'re not there yet baby."

"I'm almost there."

Xiumin hold both of Baekhyun's ass with his two hands and ride him well until he get there. The younger boy's moans and groans are making the elder excited. Xiumin's harsh attitude is a bonus. Both of them are enjoying it.

"Cum for me!"

Suddenly, warm fluids spill from the younger's ass and the elder's c*ck. Xiumin pull his member out and tastes their fluid. His face is showing how much he loves the taste. The new taste in his life is undescribable.

Next, he rotates the younger's body and asks him to do the blowjob on him. His member is still full of warm fluid. He pushes Baekhyun's head to suck his member. His body is reacting to the younger's affection. He remember this feeling. He's regret for not letting Baekhyun do this in the bathroom before. He's now enjoying it on his bed.  

After almost 3 hours, both of them finally reach their limit. They're now lying on the bed side by side under each other skin. Xiumin let his boyfriend put his head on his arm and play with his hairy armpit. Baekhyun find everything's that have to do with his boyfriend cute. So, playing with his armpit is not a big deal. The elder breathe in before he talks.

"I can't believe that we did this again."

"Me too. But I love it. Don't you?"

"I do. You can't sleep last night?"

"Nope because you're not beside me baby."

"Yeahh I'm your only baby."

The elder suddenly laughs. The younger is the next to talk.

"How about you? Can you sleep? I mean I saw your eyes before and I didn't see any word related to sleepy."

"To be honest, I can't sleep too even after chanting your name a few times. I thought that will work but I guess not. I try to control myself from you.

"You can't get me out from your teenie tiny mind right?"

Xiumin looks into Baekhyun eyes before he plants a kiss on the younger's lips. Well, that's really answer Baekhyun's question isn't it. Then, Xiumin pull Baekhyun towards him a hugs him tightly. Their bare body attach like a glue. The younger hold his boyfriend's hand on his chest. Xiumin places his head on Baekhyun's shoulder before both of them close their eyes and sleep.


I don't think I'll write mature contents in next few parts. I decide to rest my mind. Don't worry, I'll try to write awesome storyline. I just need your support. Do 'VOTE' and comment.

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