Part 15

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Chen walks back and forth in front of his room. He crosses his finger that things will go well between Baekhyun and Xiumin. He freezes for a second. A thought suddenly hit him.

'Wait a minute. Isn't it great if Minseok hyung and Baekhyun break up? Maybe I should do something?'

Chen suddenly hit his chest.

'Ya, Kim Jongdae! You worth more than this. You will not use dirty tricks just to be with Xiumin.'

He murmurs by himself.

'I'll make sure to get him in a fair way. I will jump over the cliff if that what it takes. Wait for me Minseok hyung!'

He smirks at his own thought. He must be crazy. Crazy about the elder who keeps pulling him.

He then knocks on the door after half an hour waiting outside his own room.

'Knock. Knock. Knock."

He peeks from his door and notices Xiumin and Baekhyun eating each other's lips. On his bed! He touches his burning chest. His other hand is showing a fist. However, he tries to remain calm and toughen himself up as he enters the room.

"Have you guys make up?"

Those two are busy kissing to hear Chen's words.

"I guess you did."

Chen takes a seat on Lay's bed and keep staring those two who's not showing any signal to stop. His heart aches even more as he witnesses them in a shorter distance. He tries to breathe slowly and closes his eyes.

After almost an hour kissing, finally, Xiumin notices Chen. He quickly push his boyfriend away from him but Baekhyun is too hungry for the kiss. Then, the elder pinches Baekhyun's nipple which eventually makes him stop.

Baekhyun's hair is in a mess and so do Xiumin. Their clothes seems to be loosen up than before. The younger's member is already bulge underneath his pants. Xiumin who realises it immediately cover it with a pillow. Baekhyun rest his head on the elder's broad shoulder and hug him by the waist.

After a while, the elder is finally talking. He starts off with a cough.

"When do you enter the room, Jongdae?"

"Well, *stare onto the clock on the wall* It's almost 20 minutes I guess."

"You saw... us?

"I did. It's okay. You two must have make up after the unexpected incident before."

Baekhyun join in the conversation.

"Why didn't you stop us or something? I mean, is it not awkward for you to witnessed all of it?"

Chen chuckles a bit before he reply.

"I understand your doing. Besides, you two are a couple, so kissing and make out is normal."

The elder's face is totally red. He is embarrass towards Chen but his boyfriend seems to be fine.

Things become awkward between them. Then, Baekhyun come up with a plan before the three of them become worse.

"Are you free today, Chen?"

"I am."

"How about you, Minseokie?"

"Me too."

"Great! Let's play bowling. Us three."

Out of nowhere, Suho and Sehun join in. The leader speaks.

"We want to go too!"

"Sure. The more, the merrier."



Baekhyun, Xiumin, Chen, Suho and Sehun finally arrives at a bowling alley. They rent 5 pair of shoes and head to their lane. As the leader, Suho become the speaker.

"Alright. Today we're going to play 10 pin bowling. There is one, two, three, four, five of us and we need to perform two teams of two which means one of us need to sit back and just watch."

They are all in silence for a second before Suho continue.

"I'm with Sehun."

"Minseok hyung!"

At the same time, Baekhyun and Chen grab the elder's wrist and shout his name. Xiumin is flustered and gives a stare at those two. At that moment, Baekhyun glares at Chen, wanting him to forfeit. However, Chen is showing nothing on giving up the elder.

"He's with me."

Baekhyun speaks in soft but strict voice. Xiumin who is in the middle suddenly get up and come out with a solution.

"I don't feel like playing. You two can form a team."


"Suho, you can start the game."


After typing their names, Suho and Baekhyun's names is on the screen which means they will start off the game. Baekhyun walk up to his boyfriend to gather up his courage.


Xiumin does a fighting action and watch the younger play. Both of them choose their own balls and throw them along the lane. Suho hits one of the pin meanwhile Baekhyun gets a gutter. For the second throw, Suho manages to hit another 2 pins and Baekhyun hits a pin. The eldest encourages them from his seat.

"It's okay. It's only the first round. You guys can do it."

Now, it's Chen and the maknae's turn. Surprisingly, both of them did well although non of them get a strike.

After many round, the score is increasing. Suho and Sehun have higher score than the beagles. It's now Chen's turn. He chooses a ball and walks towards Xiumin.

"Do you wanna try?"

"Sure. Thanks."

The elder receives the ball from Chen's hand. On the other hand, Baekhyun seems uneasy on his seat. He wonders why he never think on letting his boyfriend to play. How can Chen think of that? Baekhyun feels really dumb. He takes a water bottle in front of him and gulp it down.

The elder is ready to bowl. He fixed his position in a place before he releases the bowling ball from his hand. The bowl rotates on the greasy lane and after a few seconds, the ball reaches its target.


The crowd get up from their seat and amaze to witness the scene. That small body of the elder can make that happen. Xiumin jumps in joy and walks towards the other. To be honest, he can't believe it too, he is confident with soccer but not bowling.

Then, he embraces a warm body in front of his. As his eyes gets teary, he is not sure whose body has become his warm blanket. He just don't care. He only want to share his joy with his members.

Happy Chinese New Year to those who celebrate. It's school holiday now and I have tons of homework ㅠㅠ. I will try to update new part everyday before the school starts again. So, keep reading. COMMENT and VOTE jusaeyeo~

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