Part 5

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Suddenly, someone staggers as he come out from a room. He looks like a zombie. A messy hair of his and only a boxer covering his body really surprise everyone in the leaving room. He should be called a naked zombie.

The zombie is searching for its prey!

Well that's not the real case here. He's looking for his boyfriend actually. That ugly creature starts to speak in a husky voice.

"Minseok hyung, get me some water please."


Xiumin walks to the kitchen and pours some water into a cup. He then gives it to the younger.

"Ahhhh. Gomawo."

Lay who is sitting on the sofa in the living room keeps staring at the couple. Baekhyun doesn't seem to notice Lay. He begin to scratch his bare body and kiss his boyfriend's lips. Xiumin stops the kiss and point towards Lay. Baekhyun seems to be flustered to see the elder boy.

"Ann....yeong Lay hyung."

"Annyeong Baekhyun-ah. It's okay. Continue your doing. I don't want to ruin your moment."

Lay replies the younger boy's greeting and head to the kitchen to wash his dishes. After that, Xiumin starts to pinch his boyfriend's small nipple. Baekhyun moans a little.

"Ouchh. What was that for?"

"That's for being naughty. How can you kiss me in front of Lay. It's embarrassing you know."

Xiumin is mad at the younger boy and walks away from him. To be true, he loves how sweet Baekhyun is but because of his conversation with Lay from before, he feels slightly uncomfortable.

"Wait up."

Baekhyun catch up with his boyfriend and when he's beside him, he hold him by the waist and continue their walk. The elder ignores the younger who's by his side.

He stops walking in a sudden. The younger boy is about to fall but success to maintain his balance. The elder starts their conversation.

"I think we should tell the others."

"About us? They already knew it."

"We should correct them that we're not gay."

"We're not a gay."

"That's what I'm talking about."

"Maybe we can gather them all tonight."

Xiumin just nod by the younger boy's side. The younger continue his talk.

"But now...."

Baekhyun hold his boyfriend's shoulder with both of his hands and stares into his eyes. Xiumin is ready to hear it.

"Let's take a warm bath together. I'm extremely cold right now."

The younger receives another free pinch on his nipple from the elder.

"How can no one be not cold if they only have a boxer on them. I told you to wear something last night."

The younger boy scratches the back of his head and chuckles. He apologizes to the elder and shows an aegyo.


The elder boy accept the younger boy's apology and pat his head. They both head to the elder's room and enter the bathroom together. They're both wearing boxer while taking their bath using a shower. A laugh, chuckle and giggle can be heard from the bathroom.

As the warm shower wet both of them, they become more attach inside the small bathroom. Baekhyun's hand which is full of bubbles glides the elder's hot body. A few moans come out from Xiumin's mouth. He seems to be enjoying the younger boy's touch.


"I bet you're loving this baby."

The younger whispers to the elder softly which heating up the moment. Then, Baekhyun's naughty hands start to remove the elder's boxer. At first, Xiumin stops Baekhyun but after a kiss being planted on his belly button, he fails to maintain his feelings.

The younger begin to kiss the elder's body starting from the top. Xiumin is just standing there accepting the younger's action. After Baekhyun's face matches the elder's c*ck, he licks it a bit. It causes the elder to moan mess.

"Ahh...ahhh....Stop it puppy...Please..."

The younger ignores the elder boy's word and begin to suck the c*ck. He's doing the blowjob to be exact. The water from the shower can't stop Baekhyun's doing. He's so into it until Xiumin push his head away from him which causes Baekhyun to slip. The elder is full of sweat plus water.

"I told you to stop!"

He then takes his towel and walk out from the bathroom leaving his boyfriend alone. Beakhyun is regretting his terrible action towards his boyfriend.

It's all because of his lust. No one can stop him even himself. Seeing his love hot body is hard for him to not feel lustful. After a few minutes, Baekhyun tries to get up from the wet bathroom's floor.



I already watch SBS 2015 just now. There's EXO and SVT! Kyakkk! My Umin became an MC for a while meanwhile my Baek is singing an old song. I'm so happy to see them and all the members of course. BTW, Do you notices some matured contents in this part? I hope you do because I'm squeezing my head while writing this. 

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