Part 24

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"Annyeong sunbaes. I didn't know that anyone was here. Can I join you two?"

Chanyeol and Lay exchange gazes. They want to have a private moment together and not being disturb by a girl in her bikini. Chanyeol sends a signal with his eyes and shakes his head.

"Sure. You can join us."

Lay agrees on letting her to join them. He does think that she's interrupting him and Chanyeol but since he is older than everyone's there, he decides to make a mature decision. Chanyeol who is watching Lay from quite a distance are confused with the elder's thought.

The girl from a rookie group start to dive into the pool and come out from the water sexily like the one in commercial. She is trying to get the boys attention by making her self wet. Chanyeol gulps at his sight and pretends to look away. She suddenly swims towards Chanyeol and bumps her head on his exposed body. Chanyeol pulls he out from the water.


"Ahh. I think I hurt my head."

The shameful girl manages to get the younger boy attention. Chanyeol touches her forehead and shows his caring side. Lay who is swimming from the other side doesn't like what he saw. By the time he swims towards them, the girl's filthy hands are already wrapping around Chanyeol's body. Their conversation can be heard clearly.

"I am able to hug you... and you're just standing in front of me... This moment... only exist in my dream... I wonder if this is a dream but I guess not since... I can feel your hot breathe and warm body."

"Can you..."

Chanyeol tries to release himself from her but fail to do so.

"Shh. I am thankful if you're not saying anything. Don't ask me to get off from you and don't push me off. I want to cherish this moment with you, Park Chanyeol."

Lay heard and witnessed everything. He holds his fist and slams the water. He then get out from the pool quickly and leaves the heartbreaking scene. Chanyeol saw his boyfriend leaving but his feet stuck on his current position. He wants to shout his name but he froze inside.

'I'm sorry, Zhang Yixing.'


Xiumin is now in a good term with Chen after the younger let him free from his life. They are now a good friend.

They are hanging out in Chen's room and talking about the recent hot news about the same sex idol couple.

"Hyung, do you think the media found out about you and Baekhyun?"

"Aniya. I don't think so. We are not that obvious in the public."

"You see, they said the couple is from a top group. Aren't you two include in that?"

"You're right but me and Baekhyun are not the only couple in the group. There's Chanyeol and Lay too."

"But.....I think you should prepare your words before the CEO calls you."

Baekhyun is already there when the two were talking but he managed to get Chen on his side. He hides behind Xiumin and play jokes on him by touching the elder's body and screaming out of sudden.


Xiumin jumps from his seat and notices Baekhyun behind him. He begin to chase him around the room and finally catch him behind Chen. He smack his playful boyfriend whom interrupts his serious conversation with Chen. Baekhyun can't get away, so he decides to pull a prank on the elder.

"Ouch. Ouch. My heart. I can't breathe properly. Maybe I will die."

"You think I'm gonna believe that? It's not my first day with you. I know when you are pretending or not."

Xiumin doesn't fall for Baekhyun's act and kick him. Baekhyun keeps asking for the elder's mercy and finally surrender.

"Fine. I lost. Let's continue what you were doing before."

"Now you are talking."

Chen cracks out at the incident between Xiumin and Baekhyun. He is happy to see them in a good relationship.

Xiumin get back to his seat and Baekhyun places his butt beside him. The younger wraps his arm around the elder's waist and begin the conversation.

"What were you talking about?" -Baekhyun

"Did you heard about the same sex scandal?" - Chen

"I did. Why?" - Baekhyun

"Aren't you two afraid you'll get caught?" - Chen

"Why should we? I'm ready to tell the world that I'm dating my baozi." - Baekhyun

"But I'm not." - Xiumin

"Why? You don't love me anymore?" - Baekhyun

Baekhyun is sulky after hearing Xiumin's words. He pulls a long pout and wraps his arms around himself. Chen who is watching just laugh at his own sight.

Xiumin who notices his sulky boyfriend wraps his arms around him and plant a kiss on his cheek.

"It's not like that. I do love you, puppy. I'm just a coward. I'm afraid on how the world gonna react if we tell them. I'm more concern about my parents and family. They will be shock." - Xiumin

"That's right, Baekhyun. You should think about others too. Your career as a singer might ruin because of this little problem." - Chen

Baekhyun pushes Xiumin away from him and holds both of the elder's hand.

"You don't have to be afraid. I'm here with you. It's okay if you are not ready. I will be waiting for you. I don't care about anything else as long as I have you by my side." - Baekhyun

Baekhyun pulls Xiumin's shoulder towards him and sends a soft peck on his boyfriend's forehead.

Chen feels uncomfortable to be in the same room with the couple. He doesn't feel right to interrupt them. He excuses himself and let the two talk among themselves and have a private moment.

"I'll be staying outside if you need me. Keureom." - Chen

Then, Baekhyun lays his boyfriend down on the bed and attacks his pink lips passionately. They are making love in Chen and Lay's room. Fortunately, no one interrupts them.

Millions sorry for not able to update fast. I don't have idea to write for this part plus I'm busy with examination. Hope you will understand and love this part. Thanks for your patience 😃 Click 'VOTE' and leave some comments.

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