Wake Me Up When October Ends

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(A/N. When I wrote this chapter I realized that 'Wake Me Up When September Ends' by Green Day fit perfectly into this. I advise you to listen to the song while you read this, or start listening to it when you see the: *)

Chloe looks over at Max, who is gazing out her window, absolutely silent.

I wonder how she's feeling. And what her blacking-out on the beach was about. She was shouting some hella disturbing shit, about step-fucker, Warren, Kate and even me. Although she sounded sad every time she said my name. I hope she's okay. Especially after what she just gave up, all for me. Stupid, selfish, me.

Chloe's fists grip on the steering wheel tightly, her anger overwhelming her as she drove out of Arcadia Bay.

"Che." Max broke the silence and Chloe looked at her quickly, trying to stay on the road. She felt her heart shatter a little at hearing the brunette's voice. It was broken, sad, and had a tone of regret in it.

"Yes Max?" Chloe asked, trying to keep her voice steady.

I shouldn't have let her do this. She should have let me fucking die!

"We need to go to the Prescott Barn. You need to talk to David."

Oh thank god, or whoever. There's the hope in my little Time Warrior's voice.

"Okay, but Jeffershit is there, I don't think it would be wise for you to follow." She pointed out, trying to keep her voice delicate.

She looks so fragile, like I could just crush her with my regular attitude. I have to be careful.

"No. I have to come with you. I'm never leaving your side again, ever." The 18 year old put her hand on her friends, and Chloe felt her heart beat faster.

"Alright, but we're going to have to negotiate some ground rules on how I'm going to shower. You can come in with me, but you have to scrub me with the soap." She joked, trying to ignore Max's hand on hers.

Why am I freaking out? We hold hands all the time. It shouldn't matter to me. Fucking heart! Stop beating so fast!!

Max giggled, removing her hand to smack Chloe playfully on the shoulder.

"You wish. Can't you just let me be sappy for once?"

"You know that I hella dig sappy shit Maximus. Especially from my favourite Hippie."

"Fuck you." Max smirked, facing the window again.

There, there's the smile I love. If only she smiled hella more often. I can tell this smile won't last long...

The rest of the drive was silent, but peaceful. It was probably too silent for Chloe's liking. Where were all the cars? Besides the abandoned ones on the side of the road of course.

Seeing the barn outside of Arcadia Bay made Chloe's skin crawl, remembering the dark room. With all those pictures of Rachel.

Jeffershit took similar photos of Max in an alternate reality. She realized, a pain in her heart appearing.

Poor Max. How is she even keeping it together?

The two girls got out of the truck, slowly approaching the bunker. Max looked down the steep stairs and Chloe watched as her hands started shaking.

Oh shit. She is barely keeping it together. And if Max breaks down, then I defiantly will too. She's way stronger than me in most situations, emotionally and mentally.

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