Take Me Away

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(IMPORTANT A/N: This chapter is named after Avril Lavigne's song!! I am still aiming to finish this story by the end of the month! Which means, I'm going to try to keep the updates at every other day! Tbh,, these parts of the fic are so angsty and I love it!! Please, like I've mentioned before, if you're triggered by things like drug abuse, suicide, common themes of LIS, etc. Please read with caution!)

Max couldn't think. She was terrified. Chloe had just left her. Probably for good. She couldn't really blame her. Max could barely handle herself.

Everything was always so fucked. Her life had never been such a mess. She never had to deal with mood swings before. However, she also never had to deal with telling somebody she loved them. She was scared to say it to Chloe. After everything, she probably didn't feel that way about Max. At least, not anymore.

She could keep blaming herself. It was all she ever did, or she could take action. OR she could open her eyes and see what really the problem here was.

Her powers. Right from the start they had did nothing but cause a shit storm. Or a literal storm. She couldn't describe how she felt exactly. She hid from everything even after she got these powers that were supposed to protect her.

If she could somehow find a way to get rid of her powers... Max knew Chloe wouldn't understand though. She would be angry. But if she only knew the pain that she was going through.

But that was just it. Everything, even Max's powers, all lead straight back to Chloe. Her pain, her powers, her thoughts every day. It all stemmed from her.

It was all so goddamn confusing!! Maybe she was crazy, maybe she should go to the hospital.

Max walked down the hall slowly, looking around the living room, doe-eyed. The wind blew the curtains in front of the sliding door, which was slid open.

She was by herself now. Her words, her outburst, they hurt Chloe. She tried to get her to understand the pain, the pain that Max deserved, but it scared her away. What was she supposed to do now?

Max ventured out onto the balcony, leaving the door open behind her as she looked out onto the large city, feeling numb to the cold.

She was going nowhere. They were basically going in circles. A new storm would hit LA any week now, and Max would have to find a new city to move to. Only this time, Chloe wouldn't be with her.

She was all alone, forever.

What was the point of Max sitting idly by, waiting for the world to end? Chloe said it was inevitable. The end was coming. She could feel it crawling all over her skin. Or maybe it was the goosebumps.

She traced the railing of her balcony with her finger, leaning over the bar to look down at the ground below her. How many floors was she up? She couldn't even remember anymore. She hadn't left the apartment in days.

Max thought she saw a glimpse of blue hair below, but there was no way. Chloe was gone for good.

What was she to do now?

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