Dreaming Of Deer

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(A/N. I would just like to clarify something about inspiration. I often get inspiration for a chapter or a major plot line from a song I listen to. I already have half a Pricefield inspired playlist made specifically for this story. It's not done, and everyday when I listen to my music I listen to every detail of every song to see if I could associate it with this book in anyway. Sometimes I find a song that fits perfectly with a chapter I have already made too. So If that ever happens with this story I will go back to the chapter and add the song name to the start. Right now this chapter has no connecting song to it, but I might add one in the future so if there is, that explains it. I added an A/N to Chapter 1, so be sure to go back and quickly read that one before you continue to Chapter 3, which is non-existent right now. Anyway, sorry for this long ass confusing author's note, I hope you enjoy chapter 2! Ps. Sorry for any mistakes in any chapter. I am shit at editing.)

Max looked out her window in silence.

I wish I didn't say that to Chloe! She thought to herself, over and over.

Why did I? I didn't mean it, and I sure as hell didn't mean to. It was almost an accident. Wowsers. How fucked up am I after this nightmare?

She didn't even remember how she got the burn on her arm. She knew the Dark Room had been set on fire, sure, but she didn't remember creating it.

All I remember is sitting on the couch... I remember a part of the nightmare too... Oh...

It was a nightmare similar to the one she had the night of the storm. Yesterday.

Max walked into the diner but stopped abruptly as she noticed everyone in the small room staring at her. They looked at her as if they were afraid... Afraid of her.

"Max! How could you do this to us?"

"You're a  monster Max!"

"You sacrificed us all because you're selfish. You didn't keep Chloe alive because you care about her, you left her alive because you're afraid of being alone. Chloe should have died, she hates you anyway."

"Go fuck your selfie Max. Mr. Jefferson should have killed you."

Voices chanted at Max and her head spun, blood rushing out of her nose again. She screamed something at them, something she couldn't remember, as she fell. Fell into a dark abyss, a loud rumbling noise in her ears.

Is that a tornado? No! Not again!

That's all she could remember. Did her nightmares mean anything? Or were they just nonsense, perhaps her fears coming out to haunt her.

But if they are my fears, then what does that say about me? About what I'm afraid of?
Also, why did I snap at Chloe? It's not her fault! I didn't even know what I was saying when I said it.

So Chloe and Max had been driving to Seattle in silence for 2 hours. No words spoken after Max smoked Chloe's last cigarette. She thought it would make her feel better, and perhaps it did in a way, but nothing would stop the pain in Max's heart, from all the people she had killed in the storm.

"Here's a truck-stop. I'm going to buy more cigs and... Uh..." Chloe broke the silence as she drove off the highway, looking over at Max's pale face.

Max truly looked like shit. Her clothes were wrinkled from being wet, her hair stringy and tangled, and dark bags under her eyes for not sleeping for over 48 hours.

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