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(A/N. PLEASE READ( SORRY ITS LONG) First of all, I'm so sorry this took so long! I'm having a really hard time capturing Chloe and Max as the characters they were in in Life Is Strange. Obviously I made Max's personality shift a lot compared to the game, but that's because she's gone through a lot and I know she would be a different person. However, despite all the similarities I have with Chloe, I'm finding it hard to write for her, so forgive me on that too. Second of all, this chapter is linked to a song! 'Villain- Hedley' [if you couldn't guess by the title]. You can either start playing it now, as the chapter starts (or not at all) or when you see the *. Anyway I hope you enjoy this chapter, or even this whole terribly written cringey Fic. I know I am. Again I am sorry if there are any grammar/spelling mistakes, I worked my ass off to at least edit it a little decently, but it's still not perfect!)

Chloe hopped out of the steamy shower, wrapping a towel around her as water dripped on the tile floor. She nearly jumps as a knock sounds at the door, despite it being delicate.

"Che!? Can we leave? I called a guy who said we can stay at his place for a whole month. Enough time to find a place in L.A. He wont be in Seattle for the month, so we're basically house sitting. Hello? Are you done!? Can I come in?" Chloe smirked at the door, hearing Max's annoyed but sweet voice.

"Yea go ahead, come in."

"Okay, I just need to pack us toothbrushes-" Max replied as she opened the door. Chloe sat on the closed toilet seat, crossing her legs as the towel clung to her body.

"Hi Super Max. What's the matter?" The brunettes cheeks burned red as her eyes grew wide.

"You little!" She suddenly yelled, whacking Chloe playfully with the clothes on the floor. The two girls giggled together as Chloe pushed Max against the wall, pinning her hands beside her head.

"I won." She whispered, her face inches from Max. Feeling her towel fall a little, she let go, grabbing it quickly before it revealed too much.

"My mom left some of her clothes on her bed, they're not your type but they're clean so." Max panted, out of breath as she turned to the cabinet above the sink. Chloe sighed, walking to the large room.
There was a white blouse with no sleeves, and black dress pants.

"Gag." She whispered, slipping them on. A knock sounded and Mrs. Caulfield walked in, smiling at her daughter's childhood friend.

"Oh! You look so grown Chloe! Your mother is going to love this look! Can I take a picture?"

"I don't think that's a good idea-"

"I'm already on it." Max appeared behind her mother, her camera raised as she quickly took a photo of her shocked friend.

"What the hell?! How dare you!" Chloe growled, reaching over Max to get the photo as Max bent at an uncomfortable angle, making sure she didn't get it. Chloe puffed air out in defeat and crossed her arms, pretending to be angry as Max giggled.

"It's a shame you two are moving into your own place, especially after going through such a big storm. You're welcome to stay here anytime." Max's mother said to them, as Max picked up the luggage bags of stuff her father gave them to get started.

"Of course Mom. Love you." Max replied, kissing her cheek as she stood on her tiptoes.

The truck ride was short. Traffic in Seattle wasn't bad today, clearly. Chloe doubted it was like this everyday. They made it to an apartment building and Max greeted a man who gave them a set of keys. He explained what each key was for and then they made their way inside the elevator.

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