All For You, Somewhere Out There

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(A/N. This chapter is linked to Our Lady Peace's songs, 'All For You' and 'Somewhere Out There'! Feel free to listen to one/both of them while you read, though this is a small chapter)

The first thing Chloe noticed when walking into her apartment was Max, curled up on the couch. The second she made noise, she sprang up, looking over at the door.

"Chloe, I knew you'd be home tonight." She grumbled, rubbing her eyes.

"Um... It's actually 1 PM. But alright." She shrugged, kicking off her boots. Max looked over at her, confused.

"Oh my god. I slept for over 12 hours." She whispered and Chloe dropped her backpack on the table.

"Are you high?" She asked. As she said it, Max's face crumpled, as if she had remembered something.

"Shit. Chloe, we need to talk." Max was deadly serious, and it made her feel a little uncomfortable.

"Woah, okay." She said, sitting beside her slowly.

"I went for a walk yesterday, and I saw Rachel. She told me to tell you she's sorry for what happened 'that night'. Do you know what she meant?" Chloe didn't hear anything after Max's first sentence. It kept playing on repeat in her head.


"You saw Rachel and you just let her leave?" She asked, looking at her friend, astonished.

"No, she ran away. Chloe, what night was she talking about?" It took her a minute to figure it out herself, but once she did, it all made sense.

"Rachel and I had sex." Chloe stated and Max choked on air, beginning to stutter.

"You what?" She finally got out and Chloe put her head in her hands.

"It was at the junkyard. We were joking about boys that we nailed, she mentioned some old guy, probably jeffershit. I got freakishly jealous, and so I kissed her. We made out, and... Well. When I woke up she was gone. She disappeared two days later." She explained, tears forming in her eyes.

"But not before she told me that it was a mistake. And that she 'wasn't a dyke'. In her own words." She added and Max stared at her, her eyes wide.

"I'm sorry Che. I had no idea-"

"It's alright. It's clear she didn't want me. And you, you're a huge dick too. Everyone is." She got up, going to her bedroom quickly.

"Wait! Let me tell you the rest!" Max called but Chloe shut the door behind her, not wanting to hear it.

The last time she talked to Rachel, they had slept together, and the only reason Rachel let them was because she was lonely. Chloe turned on her laptop quickly, searching Rachel Amber up, but the usual missing persons posters appeared.

After all of this, she somehow hoped that Rachel at least was happy and successful. That was bullshit! She should be hoping for the worst!

She kept telling herself that if Rachel truly didn't love Chloe like she loved her, why would she come looking for her? But it wasn't Chloe she talked to, it was Max.

And Max, she was pulling away just like Rachel. Everything she did, everything she had ever done, was always for those two, and somehow Chloe was always left empty handed.

Rachel and Max had Chloe exactly where they needed her, in their hands. They were playing her like puppets, and she was gladly following them. She was heartbroken. Nobody cares. It was clear to her now.

She was sick of being a toy. They either were going to start doing what Chloe wanted, or they were to leave her alone all together.

Chloe stormed out of the room, Max jumping from the couch.

"Chloe, listen."

"Shut up. Where did you see her?" She asked, putting her coat back on. She pulled out her cell phone, googling Rachel Star, which was her favourite model name when she talked about moving to LA. Sure enough, someone that looked almost identical to her popped up.

"She probably is going back to LA by now Che. I'm sorry."

"Then we're going to LA too. Call Sophia and Josh, ask them if they want to go on a road trip." She ordered and Max hesitated.

"Stop it! Just listen to me for once, okay?!" Chloe snapped and she nodded quickly, pulling out her phone.

Out of nowhere, rain hammered the window, thunder sounding through their home.

"Shit." Max whispered, walking to the window.

"Turn on the radio Che." She sprang for the radio, finding a station without any static in it.

"The tornado is heading straight for Seattle. If you can evacuate, please do so immediately."

"FUCK! The storm is here early! We have to go Max. Call them!"

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