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(Based off of the song by Paramore!!!! A/N last chapter [besides the Epilogue] Thank you to the people that got this far!!! I just realized that today is not in fact the last day of June. So you get this a day early!)

Max looked over at Rachel in shock. They had left their apartment to go and track her down, and yet she was there in front of them.

It seemed Rachel could only be found when she wanted to be. The next thing her and Chloe knew, they were nearly falling as the ground shook below them, Rachel screaming. They ran to stand beside her and saw the crack in the ground. It was cracking more and more, right in their direction.

"Holy shit... Fucking hell-"

"Shut up and run!" Rachel interrupted Chloe, grabbing both of their hands.

Everything had been so chaotic lately. Chloe had told Max that she thought the world was going to end, but if she was honest with herself, she never believed it. Okay, two storms in the span of two months was odd. But she never thought there would be an earthquake in the middle of LA.

Things were just starting to feel a little better. Max felt like she had just woken up from a long nap, and Chloe and Rachel were standing by her, waiting impatiently for her to get back to her time traveling business.

Still, Chloe said that she was basically immortal, right? And Max couldn't just die, she was a time traveler! Right? She knew she could survive any storm, but who knew the ground was going to rip apart right from under them!?

This was not the time or place to die. They lost every battle against the storms- they couldn't save the towns. But Max could save LA. She had to.

"I'm going to rewind!" She yelled and Rachel looked behind her as they ran down the street, people jumping out of cars around them and screaming.

"You're fucking insane! You can't do it, trust me! You'll kill us both!"

"Both? What about me?" Chloe questioned but Rachel ignored her, looking ahead again.

The ground in front began to split towards them and Max grimaced.

"Shit! We can't go that way!"

"We're not dying here! There's a future for us! I know it." Max raised her hand, rewinding. Chloe started going backwards, as did the cracked ground, but Rachel remained. She didn't feel like questioning things.

"Help me hold Chloe down! We have to make sure we don't have to go back to the apartment to get her!" The other girl nodded in response and they tackled her roughly, Max still rewinding.

She could just rewind to right before the ground had started to shake.

"Woah, what the hell?!" Chloe yelled in shock, standing up from the sidewalk.

"Don't question things. Run." Rachel interrupted her, grabbing her wrist and sprinting down the sidewalk, pushing people aside.

The ground began to shake again, making it harder to run, but they stumbled down the street, Max explaining everything to Chloe.

"This is fucked up! We didn't even use your powers at all!" Chloe screamed and Max shrugged.

"Maybe you were right. Maybe the end of the world is inevitable. And maybe today is doomsday."

The ground cracked beside them and it split into a large gaping pit, a car falling in. Max wasn't sure if somebody was in it, but she didn't want to know.

A large 10 story building shook, a large deafening crack sounding.

"We have to get past that building before it falls!" Rachel yelled and Chloe laughed.

"You're kidding, right?"

"Just trust me, and run." They picked up pace, Max already beginning to get breathless. She didn't really have much adrenaline. Everything was beginning to get blurry, but mainly from smoke. A fire was definitely nearby.

They ran beside the creaking building, and it started to shift sideways into their direction.

"Fuck! C'mon!" Rachel shrieked and they jumped over a fallen over bench, making it safely to the other side, the building leaning awkwardly over where they just were.

They stopped to look at it just for a moment, amazed.

"It's the leaning tower of Pisa." Chloe joked and Max sighed.

"Not funny. There are people in there-" The building creaked loudly and started falling quicker to the ground.

"That blow is going to be brutal. We have to run, it's going to flick bricks and glass everywhere." Rachel observed and they all nodded, continuing to run.

The city looked atrocious. There were cars- and bodies, smooshed to the ground. Max was holding back tears, and vomit.

Finally, Rachel brought them to a sign indicating they were leaving LA.

"It's not over now. We have to keep going."

"It's been 2 months since the tragic earthquakes that took place in large cities all across the world. Toronto, Vancouver, LA, New York, Tokyo and Sydney were all affected, killing millions of people. There have since been multiple smaller but still tragic storms and earthquakes plaguing our earth. Is this the end? What city or town is next? Hold onto your loved ones-" Max switched off the TV, irritated.

"Max, you don't have to torture yourself with watching that you know." Rachel appeared from their hotel's hallway, rubbing her golden hair with a towel. The smudges from where her tattoos were caught Max's eyes and she smiled.

"I know. You ever thinking of getting new tattoos now that you're not in hiding? The world could end any day now. All the tattoo artists- they could be..."

"Yea. Yeah, I know. Tell you what, we're doing nothing tomorrow, why don't we go then?"

"You're not going without me. I think Max should get the Tardis. She's like the real Doctor Who." Chloe also appeared, rubbing her long half blonde wet hair.

"You guys had a shower together?" Max questioned, raising her eyebrows and Rachel shrugged, grabbing a cigarette.

"Yup. Got a problem?"

"Yea!? Maybe next time you should include me!" Chloe smirked at Max and started laughing.

"Okay, okay. Sure thing Super Max. Just didn't think it was your thing."

"Oh... IT is." Rachel smiled and Max glared at her.

"Get out of my head."

"Wish I could Caulfield. Wish I could."

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