Out Of The Woods

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(Yea... Based off of the song by Taylor Swift. Fight me. Anyway!! A/N: I'm publishing 2 chapters today! The next one is a bonus chapter so I hope you like it! Tomorrow is the last day of June, and you know what that means?! Tomorrow is the last chapter of this fanfic!  I'm so happy I actually finished it... These last few chapters have been my favourite to write! <3) [Lmao IDk why I thought the last day of June was on Wed... ITs actually Thursday but o well]

Chloe woke up because a hot beam of sunlight was beating on her face. She groaned and flipped over, trying to cover her eyes. Realizing she wasn't going to be able to fall back asleep, she sat up angrily. A soft grumble sounded beside her and she whipped her head around, seeing Max with her back to her, still sleeping.

It was all coming back to her. Chloe got up and quickly pulled on a t-shirt and shorts, running out of Max's room quietly.

It had happened so fast, yet so simply. They had been ignoring their feelings for so long, and one plain night this happened to happen. Well, not so plain. Chloe had ran into Rachel that night, and Max may or may not have wanted to do something drastic to herself.

But that was beside the point. Chloe couldn't help but wonder if things would clear up between them now. Would Max get better, or would things be worse? Was this a one night stand? Chloe wasn't sure if she wanted it to be.

Scratch that. She was sure that she didn't want it to be.

But who knew what Max was feeling these days.

Chloe entered her own room and she pulled a box out from under her bed. It was full of all the photos Max had taken with her, back when she actually took pictures. There was the picture of the both of them lying on the couch in the apartment in Seattle. After their first fight.

Chloe remembered how she had thought even back then that hopefully things would clear up.

Maybe that was how things were supposed to go. People always said that in order for things to get better they have to get really bad, right? Or some shit like that.

They had danced together without a care, and Chloe had been so happy. But everything was black and white. Two seconds later they had begun fighting, and then moments after that they were happy.

It was always a pattern. Happy, sad, happy. Would things ever get better for them?

"Chloe." Max's soft, fragile and broken voice called and she looked up, dropping the photo. The girl was standing in the doorway, her face lacking of colour.

"Um... Yea?" Chloe croaked in response, not even realizing how dead her voice was.

"I love you." She said, still standing in the doorway.

"Oh." Chloe was shocked. She wished she could say more, but she was at loss for words. Max smiled shyly, walking into the room and sitting beside Chloe delicately.

"Things aren't going to change right away, but I believe we can get better. I believe I can get better." Max continued. She put her hand on Chloe's chin, softly cupping it as she leaned forward and kissed her.

It was different than last night. It wasn't desperate or hungry. It was sweet. Gentle. Kind.

It felt right.

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