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(Named/based after the song by Dodie Clark)

Chloe couldn't breathe. Her old best friend that she hadn't seen in over 6 months was sitting right beside her, a mischievous smile on her face.

"I'm sorry Chlo." Rachel said, suddenly getting serious.

"How?" Chloe whispered, her eyes watering because she wasn't blinking.

"Right. Well I'm sure Max told you I was alive. Basically, Nathan was instructed by Mark, um you know, Mr.Jefferson, to drug me and take pictures. But he accidentally gave me too small of a dose, so I woke up and I saw Nate leaning over me..." Rachel's voice was haunting. Chloe had forgotten what it sounded like. Chills ran up her spine, nervous to hear this story.

"So then he called Mark in a panic, and I guess was given the instruction to kill me. But poor Nathan was in love with me, bet you didn't know that." She laughed, pulling her hair behind her ear.

How could she laugh about this?

"So... He gave me a shit tonne of money if I promised to get out of here, but not before taking pictures to send to Jefferson. I wanted to go back for you, but Nathan said that Mr. Jefferson would know something would be up if we both left. And I couldn't tell you where I was going because he would kill us all." She concluded, crossing her legs as she looked at Chloe expectantly.

"I don't know what you want me to say." She finally muttered and Rachel shrugged.

"Maybe a 'hi Rach, it's nice to see you. I'm sorry that shit happened to you?' or maybe the opposite, like 'hey Rachel fuck you, you abandoned me to live out our teenage dreams alone?' Come on."

"You want me to say something to you? You think you deserve that?" If Chloe was being honest, seeing Rachel in front of her, all she wanted to do was kiss her and hug her. Exclaim things like, 'I missed you so much!' and 'Thank god or whoeverthefuck that you're not actually dead.' But Rachel didn't deserve that.

"Chloe. Come on. I know you think you're good at hiding your emotions from me. But I see it. You're happy. And that's alright."

"You don't have the right to say that." Chloe spat, facing forward again. Rachel sighed, placing her fingers on Chloe's chin, turning it slowly. She froze, staring into her dark eyes.

"I love you Rachel. And you told me that you didn't feel the same. You were fucking some old men." She whispered and Rachel looked down, staying silent.

"Jesus, did you ever even care?!" Chloe yelled, frustrated. She loved her, goddammit! And she just sits there, smelling beautiful. Chloe could remember the sweet fruity taste of Rachel's lips when they kissed. She meant the world to her, and she had to keep it to herself for a long time. And when she finally opened up about it, Rachel treated her like shit and used her!

"I cared." Rachel whispered and Chloe scoffed, pulling away.

"Not in the way I wanted you to." Chloe was content with just being friends with Rachel for the longest time. But she always knew she was distant. When they were beside each other, she was just happy with the way it was, because even then she knew Rachel's heart was somewhere else. But it still hurt.

"I can't control the way I feel or don't feel about someone!" Rachel exclaimed, throwing her hands in the air.

"But you can control whether or not you use them for your own personal gain!"

"Oh, and what did you think I was gaining from sleeping with you? You worshipping me even more? Did you really think I meant what I said?!" Chloe looked up at her once again, squinting her eyes.

"What do you mean?" She said quietly and Rachel continued looking at the ground, sucking in air before she spoke.

"I was afraid. But that doesn't matter! I liked you, but it doesn't matter! Because you're with Max once again." Chloe froze with shock, this whole conversation was fucking her over. But she couldn't stop now.

"Rache. Please. I'm not with anyone. We can be together." She leaned forward, grabbing Rachel's waist as she pulled her into herself, kissing her roughly. She had to make sure Rachel wouldn't leave her.

Rachel's hands were on Chloe's chest, and then she was pushing her away.

"Jesus, Chlo. You love her!"

"I love you too." She replied weakly, her eyes pleading and desperate. She needed her best friend back, since her other one had been treating her like shit. But then again... Everyone treated Chloe like shit now.

"She's in danger." Rachel suddenly said, standing up quickly.

"What?" Chloe shook her head, standing up too.

"Listen to me. You can love us both. Fine. But you can't ditch her for me. You can't leave her alone. She's going through something really bad right now. She feels guilty about how she's been treating you, but she has no control over it. That doesn't make up for it, but if you love her, you have to stick with her through thick and thin. Like you did for me, and like I did for you." Rachel pulled out a cigarette, lighting it and taking a drag.

"How do you know what Max is feeling?" Chloe questioned and she passed the cigarette to her, smiling mischievously again.

"Oh. My dear Chloe. My dear... Dear... Chloe. Seriously. You need to fucking go. Run. Go to the one you love most. She's in danger."

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