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The gun fired, the loud bang ringing through the air.

"Rewind it! Don't waste bullets!" Chloe yelled, pacing as she watched the girl in front of her.

"Right. Sorry." The red haired girl raised her arm, and as she did, Max appeared beside Chloe, grabbing her arm.

"How's Melissa doing?"

"She's missing target, but that doesn't matter. What is the point of raising her to use a gun? We haven't had any attacks in two years. She's only 14."

"It was Rachel's idea. She says someone is coming for us. Becka agrees with her. And you know they're always right." Max explained and Chloe sighed.

"Yea. It just sucks being one of the only people around here with no powers. So I get stuck training the specials to use guns?"

"What about Josh? He's great company. When he's not always with Sophie, sure. But he's funny. And there's Johnson too."

"Yeah, I know. I just wish you, Rachel and Madison weren't always so busy." Chloe whined.

"Why, did you miss me? It's not easy being one of the leaders of this place." Rachel appeared from behind one of the houses they had built and Chloe sighed.

"Where's Madison?"

"Right here!" A small voice shrieked, coming out from behind Rachel and running to Chloe.

"Finally I get to see you!" She smiled, crouching down. Maddie jumped onto Chloe, her blonde hair tickling Chloe's bare neck.

"Mommy Rache took me to help Jakob." She said in her ear and Chloe nodded, looking up at Rachel.

"You took her to see Jakob? Wasn't he shot by that hunter last week?"

"You know Madison. She's special too. Jakob isn't shot anymore."

"Yeah. Everyone is special except for me." Chloe grumbled and Maddie got off of her, looking at her concerned.

"Mommy, you're special too! Just like Mommy Max and Rachel."

"Oh? And how so?"

"Because you helped build this place! Aunt Sophie was telling me all about it! You went all around the world while it was still crumbling, and you found people who were special, and you gave them hope!" Chloe smiled, looking up at Rachel and Max.

"Yea. We did that all together."

Chloe had never thought she would see Rachel again after her disappearance, and yet here they were years later. And same went with Max after she moved to Seattle.

They were all together, and they would fight to stay that way. Somehow, she had gotten used to things being absolutely fucking strange like that.

After all, Life is Strange.

Life Is Strange: Final DestinationWhere stories live. Discover now