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(A/N. My goal is to finish this fic by the end of the month, but don't worry, there is still quite a few chapters for me to write. I'm sorry they're getting shorter, I've kind of strayed away from LIS for awhile, which is why I want to finish this. I'm afraid I will abandon it if I don't get it done, but I am still working hard on these, I promise. I'm excited for the next few chapters!!! Also, obviosuly this is based off of Halsey's Drive, so feel free to , listen to that while reading!!)

Max and Chloe were in the truck in moments, Sophia and Josh on speaker as Chloe started the vehicle.

"Josh?? Sophie??" Max called as they answered.

"Hey. Max, what do we do? There's a fucking tornado coming straight for the city!" Sophie exclaimed as they raced down the street, raining pounding on the wind shield. The traffic was bad, expectantly.

"Get out of here, okay? My parents are out of town, I'll send you the address, and you drive there immediately. I'll tell them you're coming." Max instructed, yelling over the loud thunder.

"Okay. Thank you Max. Thank you for saving my brother." A pang hit her chest.

"I didn't. Chloe did. Text me after the storm and tell me things went well." She went to hang up, but Sophie called out quickly.

"Wait! I have an idea."

Max waited, Chloe honking the horn impatiently.

"I can stop time. I don't know for how long. You rewind as far as you can, then I'll stop time. Traffic is bad, and so we can stop that, right? Save ourselves."

Save ourselves. But what about everyone else?! Max wanted to yell, but she bit her tongue.


After rewinding to just before the tornado had been spotted, Max convinced Chloe to come out of the bedroom, and she pulled her down the elevator, jumping in the truck quickly.

"I'm guessing something bad is about to happen." Chloe stated and she sighed.

"Drive. And I mean fucking drive, as fast as you can. Take all the side roads so we don't bump into anyone. Go straight for the highway and don't stop, even if cops start chasing after you." Max still had Sophie on her phone, pressed against her ear. In any emergency, they would instruct each other to use their powers.

"Okay. Fuck, what happened before you clearly rewound? Did I die?"

"Just shup up and Drive Che."

A few minutes later, after speeding down the street, they had made it to the highway and got on, luckily not running into any police. The rain finally started, and in the distance they could see the large tornado making its way to the city.

"What the fuck?" Chloe exclaimed, Max losing her connection with Sophie.

"Fuck." She sighed, and they continued to speed down the highway, trying to get ahead of the soon to come traffic.

A few hours later, as they were sitting in silence, all they had were their thoughts. Thousands of people had probably just died, once again. It was never going to end, and Max could see that now. She had no control over it, it was going to happen.

Was this really how the world was going to end?

Max had nothing to do but study Chloe, who was focused on the road. Her features were just as beautiful as ever, and just like every time she looked at her, she had the sudden urge to kiss her.

It was absolutely odd. She couldn't handle feelings like this. She had never felt this way, and it scared her, especially after everything they had been through. But she also couldn't just make a move on her.

If the world was going to end, Max would have to make a move soon, otherwise Chloe would never know how she felt. But Max knew that the punk just wanted to be friends with her. She was in love with Rachel after all.

All Max could do was sit in silence, daydreaming about the day that she would have the courage to kiss her for real, rather than all the desperate attempts she had always made.

There was no way this was just a crush. It had to be what love felt like, and it was difficult as fuck to keep silent. But with this shit storm going on, physically and emotionally, when would there ever be a good time to work on a relationship?

It was selfish for her to think about this, while thousands of people were probably dying in the city they had just fled. People she had walked by on the streets. She was hoping Rachel had gotten out of there in time. Something told her that she knew about the storm.

Was that possible? She was so mysterious, there had to be more to her story than just someone who had cheated death.

All she could do was sit in silence and drive, thinking about all these feelings, and all the things that she hides.

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