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(A/N. Important:: I'm so sorry for the long wait !! At this point, I have no excuse. I hope you enjoy this chapter, I worked very hard on it. Please leave a review if you have any comments! Also :: There is a mention of blood so please don't read on if that makes you uncomfortable! This fanfic will continue the themes of LIS, blood, language, and sensitive subjects like death! Don't read on if that's a problem, I don't mind! Also would like to add that if there are any typos/ grammar problems, I'm incredibly sorry! It takes about 3 rounds of editing to fix them all... And I've only done about 1 round of editing for this chapter. I just really wanted to get it out!)

Max's hands were shaking as she looked at the large building standing before her. It was larger than she remembered, considering she went to this high school when she lived in Seattle.

Chloe was beside her, somehow confident. Even though she was one year older than Max she had never finished high school and so Max was pushing her to try again.

"I don't know about this. All of my old friends are going to ask me questions." Max whined, looking at Chloe.

"It's alright. We'll be alright."

Max felt like she was going crazy. Every night she had horrid nightmares, if she even slept at all. She also couldn't control her emotions anymore.  Chloe was acting like she didn't think anything was wrong, but Max knew she was just doing it to make her feel normal.

Chloe grabbed Max's hand, dragging her inside the school.

"Where's our first class?" Chloe had somehow convinced the principal to fit them in classes together, except for the photography class Max was majoring in.

"Actually, since we're late, we missed our first period. My next class is photography. You have art."

"Fuck. I was hoping you and I could have  a grand entrance in our first class. See you at lunch." Chloe replied. Max smiled, giggling to herself before she realized it had been awhile since she even cracked a grin.

I need to get back to normal. Kate's fine. Joyce and David are fine, and Rachel is probably kicking it in LA. 

She walked into her class slowly, parting with Chloe, only a minute late. Max's old friends from last year ran up to her, saying hello, and her teacher nodded at her to sit down.

Just as Max sat down, loud noises erupted from the hall, identical to gun shots.

And Max would know.

Without thinking, Max sprang up, sprinting to the door while people shouted and hid.
She stuck her head out into the hall slowly, spying a girl with blonde hair leaning over a body.

"Oh my god." A girl gasped behind Max, and the blonde looked up at them, the gun moving with her.

Rewind Max!!!! A voice yelled inside her head. But she was frozen with fear for once.

"Stop!" The voice from behind her sounded again. The girl pushed passed Max harshly, sticking her arm out in front of her, standing in the middle of the hall.

"I said STOP!"

And then everything froze.

Max looked at her hand, still at her side.

"What?" She whispered, looking up at the girl with her hand propped up. Finally getting a good look at the situation, Max felt like throwing up.

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