Chapter 1: A good day?

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"Juliana, I will be leaving for work soon. If you get hungry there are left over in the fridge!" Screamed Aunt Sierra.

"Okay! Thanks! " I shouted back at her while continuing reading my favorite book.

Having a good day, I decided to put some music on since it seems so quite without Aunt Sierra.

'aLIEz from Amalee. ( I think I spelt it right.'

I'm not a big fan of that anime but I don't mind hearing it especially since it is English.

As time passes, my stomach starts to growl.

I made my way to the fridge like Aunt Sierra said, and got a bowl of pasta.

Putting it in the microwave for a few minutes, I picked up my phone and started playing 'Be My Princess Party' .

Right now there is a events going on and I am trying to complete all the routes.

I have finished Wilfred, Keith, Roberto, Glenn , Joshua and Edward's routes but I am at the last one Zain's.

Using up my last stamina, I have currently completed a mission and I started reading the last chapter in his route.

While I was reading, I heard the microwave beep telling me that my food was ready but since I am not finish reading I left my pasta there.

"Yes! Finally! I have finished your route Zain! Now time for the limited illustration ."

As I was collecting the illustration, my belly started to make a louder growl than before startling me.

"Okay! Okay! " I said when I finished collecting the items , I place my phone down and took the pasta out of the microwave.

"Mmm, smells good." I took a long sniff of the plate that was filled with pasta and began to eat.

"Wait! I all most forgot! I have to eat just like a proper lady. Now where's that book on proper food etiquette." (That's how she learns. To smart for school!)

I started to walk to my book shelf and found the book that I was looking for.

I started to turn to page 93 on how to eat properly and began reading the book . ( I forgot to mention that she has a good memory. Why did she find the book even when she has a good memory? Well that's because she skipped the page on how to eat properly and went to the next chapter.)

"Okay, finished. Now time to eat." I picked up my fork and began to eat while following what the book had said.

When I finished eating my already cold meal, took too long to read I mean like 100s of pages, I placed it in the sink and sprayed it with water.

Not washing the plate until it is time for dinner, I made my way back to the living room and continued reading the page that I have left off.

' How to be a princess ' page 309 book five. ( yes she has interest in royalty that why she reads BMPP.)

As time went by, I got a call from my phone.

Running up to the kitchen counter , where I left it, I saw that Aunt Sierra has called.

Picking up my phone I said,"Hello, Aunt Seirra."

"Hey, I want to call because work is keeping me back for some time. Doctor Brandon has just got a seriously injured patient and need my help. So if you are hungry go and eat since I think the operation will take until 12 . Any ways I got to go bye."

Before I can say my good bye, I look to the clock and read 8:47pm .

Doing what Aunt Sierra said, I start to walk to the kitchen and preparing my dinner.

"Ahh, smells so good." I said when I place my steak on my plate with some mashed potato and green peas, I began to eat my dinner alone.

As time went by, I just finished bathing when I saw it was already 1:00am.

"Why is Au-" before I can finish saying my sentence, I started to hear a loud screeching and screams that was close to my house.

Having my curiosity get the better of me, I made my way down the road to see there was a car accident.

Seeing the ambulance and policemen gathered in the scene, I saw one of the victims being placed in a white bag.

When I got a better look, I started to think it kind of look likes Aunt Sierra . 'I can't be Aunt Sierra since she is in the hospital right now right?' Remembering that it was past 12, I started to get scared.

Neighbor 1:"Hey don't you think that is Sierra Norway?"

Neighbor 2:" That because that is Sierra Norway!"

Neighbor 3:" Juliana will be devastated . She alread-"

Not wanting to know any more, my legs started to move by itself.

Crossing the yellow tape I started to run at full speed to Aunt Sierra.

"Let her go ! Don't put her into that bag!" I screamed at the top of my lounges.

Policeman 1:" You need to stay behind the yellow tape."

I tried to struggle out of the man's grip when I shouted,"Aunt Sierra! Aunt Sierra!"

Shouting the same thing again and again more policemen starts to take me behind the yellow tape.

"I have already lost my parents now my only relative willing to let me stay with her! Please let me go!" I yelled at the officers.

Policeman 2:" Miss, we know it is hard to think that one of your relatives has been in a car accident, but you need to stay behind the line."

When the policemen finally dragged me behind the line Aunt Sierra was already gone.

Feeling wet tears running down my cheeks, I ran back home shutting the door of my bedroom.

As I continue to sob , I picked up my phone to see a new news on BMPP .

Clicking on the only app that can cheer me up, I click on the news and began to read.

Throwing my phone down on the floor with immense pressure, I berried my face on my knees and started to cry on the floor. (So guys this is when she found out that BMPP I going to discontinue events and campaigns.)

Be my princess: Stuck In BMPPWhere stories live. Discover now