Chapter 6: History

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As I started to walk down the foggy hall, I noticed that black shadow again. "Wait!" I shouted while running but in the end I found myself in a different room. " Hello, is anyone in here?" I asked but the only response I got was the echo of my voice.

"Hahaha. How does it fell to be isolated from everyone?" A creepy voice said.

"What? Who are you!" I shouted and started to look around the room.

"Haha! You will remember soon enough." The eerie voice said.

" Please somebody help me." I fell on the foggy floor and rolled into a ball.

As I continue to sob , I started to close my eyes to get some rest.

Later I opened my eyes to see that I was in my room. ' It's just a dream?' I asked myself.

Not waisting any time, I head to the bathroom to splash some water to my face to wake myself up and get ready for the day.

When I finished, I made my way to the dining room to have my breakfast.

When I reached the room, I saw Mike and Zain in a corner standing.

" Good morning." I gave a small smile and sat down opposite to Mike.

" Good morning to you to." Mike said happily.

"So how are you enjoying the stay at Nobel Michel?" He asked curiously.

"I have been enjoying it a lot. Why do you ask?" I answered.

' I know being copped up in the castle might sound boring but not for this girl who has books.'

" Well Zain has told me that he found you in the library passed out " he said looking concerned.

'Really? I should thank him for taking me to my room then.'

" Well thanks for taking me to my room, Zain." I turned to face him while the food was being served by the other stewards.

" Your welcome, but why were you on the floor?" He asked.

'Will it sound weird if I said I heard voices in the night? But you will never know if it can be serious.'

"Well, I heard voices, two voices, one friendly and the other creepy." I started to eat my waffles.

" You heard voices you say." Mike looked at me with his serious eyes.

" Yes, but I may be imagining it." I shrugged my shoulders and continued to eat.

" Zain, I want you to make sure that all the staff will go to their rooms at 10. It could be serious." Mike said to Zain sternly.

Hearing them say that all I could do was sit there and think about what to do. But there is this one question that keeps playing over and over in my head.

' What will happen if it was real. Could it be a sign. What does it mean.'

Noticing Zain leaving the room, I got back to reality.

"Mike, what happened?" I asked for not paying attention for Like, the whole thing.

" well I have Zain to tell everyone to return to their rooms at 10 sharp and to make sure that nothing bad will happen in
the future." Mine said.

Hearing that, I felt a bit guilty since Zain has to stay awake the whole night and patrol the castle and tell the whole staff when they have to go to their rooms.

"Um, it's alright. It can't be anything that serious." I lied.

"But I can't have a guest passed out in the middle of the library at the night. Can I?" He said.

" Umm, no. But it was my fault since I went into the library at midnight and then I could have pass out from exhaustion. " I answered.

" But what happened if it was something bad?" He started to look down on his empty plate.

'What does he mean? It sounds like he have been into something terrible.' Not wanting to push Mike anymore, I decided to change the subject.

" So umm, I have been wondering..." I trailed off trying to think about something.

"Wondering about what?" He look at me.

" umm, about the next heir to Nobel Michel." I blurted out.

I mean it was kind of true. The last time I checked was that the next heir died long ago with Mike's son and daughter in law.

When I looked at him, his eyes looks sad and depressing. ' maybe that was a bad idea.'

" you don't have to answer that I you don't want to." I looked at him with concerned eyes.

" it's fine. You were going to ask any time now." He gave me a smile and trailed off saying," The next heir to Nobel Michel, died."

I fell my eyes dropping to the floor.

"She was kidnapped to be more precise. Her name was Juliana Luna Michel."

She has the same first name as me but I bet there are thousands with the same name.

" It all happened one night at a ball. There was a ball held at Nobel Michel and Juliana was only 3. She was really young and she was left alone in her room sleeping. Her parents, my son Adam and her mother Jessica died on that day as well as the kidnapping of the only heir, my only grand daughter."

He looks sad but he continued," She was kidnapped by the mafia before Adam and Jessica were murdered. We have yet to find out the leader but we have caught quit a few, but they won't tell us anything. All they told us was that he or she was not here in this world. That is a mystery that will never be solved."

'' Not here in this world? Could-" I was cut off.

"It means that he or she died in a accident maybe but why is the group still here if the leader is died. Many said that their was a second in command but i do not believe so."

" really." I lowered my gaze and started to think.

' not in this world then could it be in my world?!' I was interrupted by Mike standing up from his chair.

" This old man still has some work to do. Maybe you can think about it for now then we can talk later." He left the room leaving me there.

'If the leader was in my world then what is he or she doing now?' I decided to head to the library to do some research.

(Okay so I have to admit that I need help to find a way for Joshua to fall in love with Juliana so..... Fell free and comment:)

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