C.8 (part one)

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Some main characters in MM.^

||Mama Sheila||

"You're dirty! Why don't you like me?" Kayla asked through the phone.

"I do. You just don't need to be with my son anymore."

"Really? You're faker than all get out. That DNA test is fake ain't it?"

"No. The other night when we stayed at the house, and that boy stayed there I got a swab of my sons DNA along with Ky'Lin and I took it to the hospital the next day while y'all was getting tests for August."

"You rigged it up though because August is Ky'Lins father."

"The test proves it all Kayla. I didn't rig anything. I promise you. I don't like you anymore but I didn't mess with the test or anything."

"Tell August to call me, please? He won't answer my calls."

"He won't listen to me. Find another way." I hung up on her and threw my phone at the wall. "Anth-.." I stopped remembering he's not here. The doorbell rang, the kids are at school, Anthony's in prison in New York, August's in Atlanta, and my friend Natasha's at work, so who could it be?

I dragged myself, along with my bottle of liquor to the door. I swung it open without looking out first.

"Kayla... You're not supposed to be drinking."

"Leave me and my damn drink alone you little ass boy!" I pushed Miguel.

"Ant told me before. You can't drink. You have some type of disease."

"Well let it kill me. I don't give a hell no more." I slurred. "Whatchu want anyways, little boy?"


"I came to tell you since I'm Anthony's friend and all I'm here if you need help with anything. I'll pick or drop the little ones off take them somewhere if you need me to, just do some of the helpful things Anthony did, you know? Plus... The mailman gave this to me on my way in." He handed her the envelope that had August's information in it from his scans and tests. She took it. "Thanks." She threw it down on the ground. "Where's August?" He asked her walking off the steps but turned back around to get her answer.

"Atlanta... Thanks, bye."

"Why you being so rude, ma?" He walked up the steps a little.

"Because that's who I am. You need to your little ass to school. Let th-"

He chuckled. "I'm sorry but you not gonna keep calling me." He walked up to her inside the house. "That's what you are. A little ass boy." She nudged his head with her finger. He grabbed her hand and backed her into the wall and pinned her to it. "Get off me." She said lowly mugging him. He laughed. "You're not stronger than me, and I would truly appreciate it if you didn't put your hands on me like that EVER again. "Or what? You gonna try to hit me?" She laughed. "Fuck outta my face."

"You need to take care of yourself.. Anthony would love it, and I don't hit women, never have, never will. But you've heard that 'the same thing make you laugh, will make you cry', right? From that DMX movie? That's where you are... Constantly crying over or about something or someone who once made you laugh.. Smile, and be happy. Them are the wrong people. You don't anybody that's going to constantly hurt you. You can do bad by your damn self, right? You don't need a nigga to depend on, and no offense, but if the only real reason you staying with August is because he good in the bedroom then you need somebody else to turn you out and make you forget y'all was even together, and forgive and move on from the pain he's caused you. You DON'T have to keep putting up with his shit." Miguel looked down at her and slowly took the bottle out of her hand.

She just stood there lookin down. Then she looked up at Miguel, stood on her tippy toes and leaned in towards him.



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