Chapter 13: Caretaker

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Her room was in sight, and the dark gloominess of it never looked so inviting and safe. She tried to put on an extra burst of speed, but her lame leg kept her hobbling at an unsteady pace.

“Are you out of your mind?!” A voice said from behind her and someone grabbed her arms, pinning them behind her. She mewled in frustration and fear. “What's the matter with you?”

“You do not understand.” Lynna said, fighting the man's grip.

Allan had no intention of letting her go. “Some friend you are.”

“Friend?! Friend?! You think I am Lord Gisborne's....” She couldn't even finish the sentence, the idea of it was laughable in the extreme.

Allan finally released her. “Then...”

“There has been a mistake.” Lynna said slowly, as if taking him for an idiot. “I do not know why he should have called for me. Sir, I know you, I swear I have seen your face before.” Lynna said, her eyes squinting as they studied his face.

“Like I said, girl, I'm sure you have.” Allan shifted uncomfortably under the scrutinizing stare.

Suddenly her tiny hands gripped his arms. “You are one of Robin Hood's men, aren't you?! Yes, yes...I saw you in the forest! You were leading the other prisoners out of the cart! Where is Robin? Does he know you are here? Are you coming to get me out of this miserable place?!” The questions rolled off of her tongue like water down a brook.

“Robin....isn't coming.” Allan said, even feeling a bit of that horrible guilt build up in him again. The girl looked so eager and bright to have recognized him, but Allan was ever the believer in giving information straight. There was no point in letting the girl go on believing a pointless lie. What was, was; the sooner she figured it out the better.

“What do you mean? Are you going to take me to him then instead?” Lynna asked. If there had been disappointment it lasted for only a second before it had been shoved away again.

“Look, girl. I know you 'ave this big, fancy idea of Robin coming to rescue you an' everything; an' I'm really sorry for you that he didn't, but Robin has more important matters t' deal with now. There's no changn' his mind when he gets like that...” Allan explained.

“More important matters?” Lynna echoed in confusion, the eager smile flickering on her face. “But he gave me his word. He promised.”

“Yeah, he's rather good about deciding which promises he values more.” Allan grumbled.

“But you are here!” Lynna exclaimed.

“An' Robin would kill me if he found out. He'll be right sorry when he finds Giz...I mean, Gisborne gone in the morning.” Allan rubbed the back of his neck and shoulder, it was sore from practically carrying Guy back to Nottingham.

“You are telling me that this...that this is Robin's doing?” Lynna said incredulously. She let out a nervous laugh, “I don't believe it. Robin would never...torture someone so cruelly.”

“Oh, believe it, girl, Robin would if it served his idea o' a greater good.” Allan rolled his eyes.

“No! Robin is kind, he would never...”

“There's a lot you do not know about Robin Hood, miss.” Allan cut her off.

“I know he has been hurt, he has a right to his anger, but...”

“Hah!” Allan pointed down the hall, “That man you just ran from has had far worse 'appen to him than Robin could ever dream of.”

“And you are helping him!” Lynna said as something seemed to dawn on her. “You're a traitor!”

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