Chapter 22: In Waking

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Lynna blinked blearily as she came back into consciousness. She gave a thin groan as she did so. Her head felt as if it was about to split in two and her limbs felt like water on a string, she couldn't even lift her arm to shove the bed covers off of her. She knew she was covered in sweat, but she felt cold. She rolled back onto her side, her fingers shakily gripping the blanket that was around her.

Something didn't feel right. She tightened her hold on what she thought was a blanket. Slowly she pulled it off of her and glanced down at it. Not a blanket at all, a cloak; a black, leather cloak. Her tired and aching mind sparked as recognition hit her. She raised her head slightly and saw the faint outline of a man sleeping in a chair beside her.

She sat up in the bed, but immediately upon doing that she felt the world spin around in her vision and she nearly collapsed back against the pillows again. She held her head in her hands for a minute until the dizziness ceased. Hesitantly she removed the covers from around her and drew in a great shivering breath.

Fighting back the dizziness and her weakness she eased herself out of the bed. She stumbled on her legs, but steadied herself by placing one hand upon the bed. She coughed a little and took one shaky step forward, her hand reaching for the armrest of the chair. She succeeded, and stood secure on wobbling legs.

She smiled thinly. It was him. Guy of Gisborne sat sleeping in the chair. Lynna thought she must be dreaming. Why would he be here? No, no; she was ill she must surely be making all of this up in her mind. She touched his shoulder lightly; he felt real. She sighed in disbelief. She felt him stir and with a gasp, she quickly removed her hand.

She could not see if he had woken, or if he had if he was looking at her. The candles had long since gone out, but judging from the dusky light just beginning to stream in through the windows dawn was not long in coming.

“Lynna?” She heard Guy ask incredulously.

“You came.” She whispered, but her voice sounded rough and strange in her ears. “I didn't think you would...”

Guy caught her around the waist as she stumbled. She did not protest when he lifted her up into his arms and brought her back to the bed. “You should not be out of bed.” He remarked.

“I had to see if it was you.” She said.

“You need to rest.” He said, as if purposefully ignoring all of her previous statements.

“My lord?” She looked up at him, curling up against the pillows again. “I'm glad you came.”

Although Lynna could just barely see him, she knew by his silence that she had stunned him with that remark. She smiled. “I should go; let you sleep...” Guy finally said.

“Oh, no, please!” Lynna grabbed his hand just as he turned to leave. “Please, stay.”

She brought him back to her with small, insistent tugs. “I cannot think why you would want me to.” Guy said sullenly, sitting back down in the chair, but still allowing Lynna to hold his hand.

“Because you always stayed with me.” Lynna mumbled sounding as if she was talking to herself. “Every night...and I missed you when you would go away.”

“Lynna...” Guy whispered.

“I'm glad you came.” Her voice was slurring as she slipped back into sleep, “I'm so glad...”

Guy stared at the girl. He used to believe that the only time she would ever say that to him was from the other side of a door. He squeezed Lynna's hand lightly. He had missed her as well, and he was surprised to admit that to himself. He watched as she slept peacefully. Her fever must be going down, he thought. She wasn't going to die! She was getting better!

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