Chapter 20: Meden Vale

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For every stretch of road covered by Katherine, Garrett, and Lynna, the soldier was never too far behind. The trail was relatively easy to follow, there had been no snow in several days and thus the trail from the wheels of the carriage and the prints of the hooves of the horses were clearly marked in the white earth.

He had been traveling for three days now, and already he had seen the small girl described to him by the Sheriff, but she was never alone. Even when entering an inn to rest for the night, the girl was kept safely within sight of her two companions. It provided for frustrating nights when he was forced to sleep in the barns of the inns, and for many exhausting days while traveling behind the carriage. He would have much rather been back at home, sleeping in a real bed, instead of off on this ridiculous mission for the Sheriff. He didn't fully understand the point of it. What was so threatening about a little woman? She looked harmless enough, but the soldier knew better than to question the logic of the Sheriff. At times he felt as if he had been carved out of wood, not fully thinking, only comprehending his orders and carrying them out. He certainly held no hatred for the girl he had been sent to track and kill, perhaps more of a shameful sympathy, but nothing more beyond that. It was unfortunate, was all the soldier thought of his mission. But after wandering in the snow for three days, he was beginning to restless and almost eager to complete his task and head for home.

The carriage door had been opened. Garrett had stepped out first and after helping Katherine down, he assisted Lynna in hobbling down from the carriage. She sighed and scuffed her boots in the snow. She scanned her surroundings with tired eyes. It was evening after all, her she momentarily wondered how such a trip could tire her so completely. She noticed she was not alone in that feeling, Katherine was yawning broadly and unabashedly; even Garrett seemed to be blinking his eyes rather frequently to keep awake.

She smiled quietly to herself and focused her attention to the village. It was indeed small and quiet, and from where she stood she could see a pond tucked near the outskirts of the village. She looked up at the manor house, and the small courtyard the carriage had stopped in. Stable boys were helping to lead the horses and carriage away.

She felt a hand descend upon her shoulder. “Welcome to Meden Vale.” Katherine said cheerily. “Now, shall we make our way indoors before we freeze to death out here?”

Lynna laughed very lightly, “I think that is a very wise decision.”

They entered the manor. Inside there were a few servants to greet their Lord and Lady. In the center of the room there was already a fire in the fireplace to welcome them. She blinked in astonishment as Katherine and Garrett shook hands and exchanged greetings with the servants standing by. It was an uncommonly informal gesture, but judging from the casual smiles from everyone, it was entirely common in this house. It was warm in the manor, and somehow Lynna knew it was not only from the fire.

She watched as the servants bowed and left to return to their duties. For a second she almost followed them, but a hand upon her wrist stopped her from wandering off. “What are you doing?” Katherine asked with a raise of her eyebrow.

“I was just...”

“You are a guest in this house. Did you think I would send you off to the servant's quarters?” Katherine interrupted Lynna's fumbling excuses.

Lynna should have expected that reaction, but it was still such a strange notion to her that she, a commoner, could be friends and on equal terms with a noble Lady. It was a series of astonishing acts with Katherine; there was still so much to learn. “No, Katherine, forgi-....”

“If you utter that blasted phrase one more time I will fling you out of this house and have you sleep in the stables!” Katherine snapped sarcastically.

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