Chapter 14: Small Victories

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The gang had never seen Robin that furious before. His screams of frustration could have been heard for miles. The gang seemed bemused at Gisborne's escape. The rope was severed and Robin seemed likely to rip it apart in his hands.

Much had stayed silent through the display, he noticed that out of all of the gang it was Allan who appeared the most relaxed and unaffected by Robin's rampage. “Odd, don't you think.” He remarked, saddling up alongside him.

“Huh? Yeah...don' know how it happened.” Allan said quickly.

Much merely nodded. He hadn't fully regained his trust in Allan yet. He had already proven that he would do anything for a little money. Out of all of them Allan was the one with the connection to Gisborne, who was to say if he wasn't still working for him in some shape or form?

“Will, scout ahead, he can't have gotten far. Find him.” Robin ordered.

“What?” Allan interjected. “Robin what about the Black Knights, just a few days ago you wanted to go run off to 'save England' again. If we're gonna do something, shouldn't we find that messenger? Or get that Lynna girl out o' Nottingham; at least?”

Robin stormed up to him, and Allan winced slightly half expecting to get a slap or a punch from him. Robin merely stared at him in silence before speaking, “And are these suggestions meant out of concern for Lynna or England...or for Gisborne?”

“You know I follow you.” Allan shrugged.

“I made that mistake once before.” Robin said eyeing him suspiciously. “Tell me Allan, do you know how Guy escaped?”

“I'm just as miffed as you lot.” Allan raised his hands submissively.

“Enough!” Djaq shouted, “If we start blaming one another we will never get anywhere at all. We must work as one or we will all fall apart.”

Robin glared at Djaq, but his gaze softened eventually. “Will, Djaq go on and see if you can find Gisborne. Much, Little John, Allan; ask around for the messenger, he was heading to Clun as far as the tracks implied. See if anyone saw him in the village.”

“Master?” Much asked, “What are you planning?”

“I have to go Nottingham.” He said, “There is a friend to save and an apology I have to make.”


For the most part she was glad that Guy was unconscious, for she did not know what she would say to him if he had awoken. More than that, she was afraid of what he would do if he saw her.

The physician had come as promised, but Lynna, rather than leaving chose to remain and work alongside him. Besides, the physician left after a time, but Lynna never did. Often, Katherine would come in and sit with her, but mostly Katherine liked to watch, hidden through a crack in the door. From there she could see her, hesitant, still afraid, but finally learning.

When the door opened Lynna nearly fell off of her chair. She had just a few moments ago managed to curl herself up in the chair and shut her eyes for a brief minute or two. The door had startled her. It was probably Katherine. She yawned and peered around over to the top back of the chair, perched up on her knees like a child. She blinked, “Sir?” She asked, it was a guard. She hoped this didn't have anything to do with the Sheriff. Was she going to be blamed for helping Guy when he had originally desired that no help at all be given?

The guard removed his helmet. “You're a hard woman to find, Lynna Priddy. For all the good the guards in this place do. Couldn't lead you to a stone wall even if they were staring right at it.”

Lynna felt herself grow hot and cold simultaneously. Her lips formed the man's name, but she found she had lost her voice. He laughed, “What kind of a greeting is this between friends?”

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