Chapter 31: Fury and Fear

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Lynna could have fainted with fright upon seeing the Sheriff. In her haze of fear; however, she managed to find the common sense to place the trick drawer back in its proper place. As the Sheriff shut the door she swore he would kill her now. She was going to die! Like an animal suddenly aware of the hunter in the woods she bolted away from the desk and towards the closed door. She was grabbed by her arm roughly, she felt her shoulder wrench. She actually whimpered in fright.

“Not so fast there, m'dear. Come see what an awful mess you have made.” The Sheriff seemed to be enjoying himself. He chided her, “Didn't your mother ever tell you not to go looking through other people's things?”

Lynna couldn't speak; couldn't think, could barely breathe. She didn't want to die! Oh God! Would Clorinda realize that she hadn't made it out in time? Someone, anyone—find her here!

“Now,” The Sheriff said. “What was it you were so...eagerly searching for, hm?”

Lynna merely shook her head fervently.

“What was that? Speak up now!” The Sheriff said, his voice; however, was loosing that amused tone and was beginning to take on an angered and impatient edge.

She whimpered, “N-n-nothing...nothing, my lord...” She said in a strangled voice, “Please....please let me go....”

“Oh now surely you can do better than that? What was it? A document? A message? Something for your darling Hood?” The Sheriff wheedled.

“N-n-no.” Lynna said, “N-n-nothing...nothing...”

“Tell me!” The Sheriff barked, no longer amused.

Lynna yelped in fright, her eyes shutting instinctively, as if thinking if she did not see what was before her nothing would harm her. The Sheriff was looming over his desk, checking the drawers. Judging from the sly grin upon his face, he was satisfied that everything was still in its proper place. He looked up at Lynna once more. “Clever girl,” he said, his voice was far from praising, “How long has Hood had you as his little spy?”

“I'm not...” Lynna gasped for air, “I'm not a spy...”

“Oh,” The Sheriff clapped his hands together, “Gisborne's not going to be too happy to hear this, will he m'dear?” His grin widened as he saw the look of pure horror in Lynna's eyes. “Yes, I do believe I shall call him feel like telling me what you were looking for?”

But Lynna had lost her voice again, even if she had wanted to say anything she could not have. Her vision was tunneling, she was going to faint, but she wasn't going to get such mercy. She remained conscious and standing. She had never been so scared in her whole life.

The Sheriff opened the door and signaled for one of the guards to enter. Lynna soon found herself tied down to a chair. Which she was half grateful for, as she felt she could have no longer remained standing. Now what? The Sheriff had gone. Where had he gone? Her heart was beating so fast she could feel it against her ribs.

Moments later the Sheriff returned, and Guy followed behind. He stopped dead in the doorway, staring at her in disbelief and confusion. “What is this?” he hissed softly.

“Why, Gisborne, couldn't you guess? Your darling wife...” The Sheriff grabbed Lynna's face in his hand, squeezing her cheeks together, “was spying for Hood.”

Lynna wanted to scream, but found she could barely whisper. “No...” She looked pleadingly over at Guy, who was staring at her in hurt astonishment.

“What....?” He managed.

“Oh yes. Hood broke into the Castle not but a few minutes ago and she came following along behind him, no doubt, like a good little dog; rummaging about my room. The question remains what was she looking for?” The Sheriff asked.

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