Chapter 15: Questions and Answers

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“I'm sorry, my lord, am I hurting you?” Lynna asked, lifting the wet cloth away from Guy's burn as she noticed him wincing.

“No.” He grunted.

Lynna nodded and went back to her ministrations, only to see him wince again and turn his head away from her. “My lord!” Lynna sighed in exasperation. “This would be much easier if you told me the truth.”

Guy said nothing, merely continued to glare away from her in silence. Lynna shook her head a little at his stubbornness. She put the wet cloth aside to exchange it for bandages. She helped him to sit up so that she could wrap them about the wound. Normally the physician was there to perform such a task, but today he had not come. Lynna had stopped concerning herself with the matter long before, she knew the Sheriff had probably become impatient and decided to stop sending the physician altogether.

She worked steadily, “You seem to be feeling better, my lord.” She said as she wrapped the bandages up over his shoulder and then down around his chest.

“I am,” he replied and Lynna could nearly feel the vibration of his rough voice; she realized she had never been this close to Guy before.

“Well, that is good. I am glad to hear it.” She said softly as she tied off the bandages.

“Are you?” He asked her in a such a tone that she very nearly shuddered.

She looked up at him, “Yes.” she said simply.

They were inches away from each other. Lynna's breath seemed to keep catching in her throat and she could feel her heart as if it was pounding out of her chest and reverberating into her skull. She felt her stomach twist into knots and she tried to form words which would allow her to pull away, but no sound emerged. She felt frozen to the spot. Guy was staring at her with suspicion, and cold calculation, but there was something else hidden in those eyes. Something which scared and fascinated her at the same time.

“M-m-my lord...I...”

The door burst open, “Ah, Gisborne, glad to see you awake.” The Sheriff chuckled as he strode into the room.

Lynna wrenched herself away from Guy and whirled about to face the Sheriff. She dipped her head politely to him. Guy stared at the man quizzically, “My lord, what are you doing here?”

“Checking in on you, my boy. Now get your shirt on, your awake finally, so it's back to business as usual.” The Sheriff grinned.

“What?” Lynna squeaked.

Guy merely rose from the bed to collect his shirt and coat. “My lord, I must protest this!” Lynna exclaimed. She could see the pain on Guy's face as clear as the sky.

“Oh must you now?” The Sheriff said.

“Gisborne is still injured. He...he needs time to rest and...”

“He has had time, more than enough.” The Sheriff retorted with a roll of his eyes.

“Well, he needs more, my lord! Having him exert himself would only make things worse!” Lynna said.

“Gisborne, shut her up.” The Sheriff sighed.

“Lynna...” Guy said in a warning tone, coming to stand behind her. He looked as if he was about to place a hand upon her shoulder, but quickly thought better of it.

“No!” She said, craning her head around to glance at him. “It is wrong.” She turned back to the Sheriff, defiantly she stood in between the two men, “Gisborne is hurt, he must be allowed to stay.”

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