Chapter 34: The Lion and the Mouse

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Fear. It had become Lynna's world, and it had been the center of her life since birth. Her mother feared for her safety wherever she walked, that even the smallest of scrapes or tumbles would break her more then she already was. Fear of being alone; fear of the darkness; fear of violence and death. It was everywhere. Already, she could feel it closing in on her again as she rode through Sherwood Forest. Fear that she would turn coward again and prove useless. Fear that because of fear she would lose her husband.

She gripped the reigns tightly, trying to remember everything Guy had taught her about riding a horse. It was hard placing trust in such a large and strong-willed creature. The horse galloped straight down the path, but at times Lynna swore the animal sensed her own fear and remained remarkably steady. Maybe Guy had been right; if you did trust the horse it carried you safely. If they both got out of this alive, Lynna mentally prayed, she vowed never to be so stubborn in learning how to ride a horse again.

Nottingham loomed ahead and Lynna breathed out in shaky, frightened relief. The town itself was in an uproar. The commoners were out in the streets celebrating the return of their King; odd though, Lynna noticed...there was a strange lack of soldiers on duty. Where was the Guard?

The gates to the Castle were open and only two men stood watch. These men did not wear the armor traditional of the Castle Guard. They were different and what was more disconcerting was that they would not let Lynna pass. She had pleaded and begged; had even attempted to pull rank upon revealing her name and title, but her natural shyness and failure to command anyone only caused for slight amusement among the two guards. Lynna was close to tears with frustration when suddenly a friend came to the rescue,

“Oi! What d'ya think you're doing?” Allan stormed over to the gates, “Let the Lady Gisborne in!”

Lynna looked just as flabbergasted as the guards and with muttered and humiliated apologies, the guards let her through. Shaking, she dismounted. She nearly fell forward but Allan steadied her, “Now, what are you doing here?” His already peeved tone was now turned to her. “You shouldn't even be here!”

Sufficiently able to stand on her own to feet again Lynna shoved Allan away from her, “Nevermind about that. I'm here now regardless of what you think.” she bit her lip, “Allan, where has Guy been taken?”

He winced, “T' the dungeons....King Richard means to hang 'im at dawn tomorrow.”

Lynna felt as if she might wretch with fright at the very idea of Guy's execution. Allan continued, “Sheriff's gone though.” he said quickly, furious that the crafty man had dodged his own hanging for now.

“What?” Lynna gasped. “But you'll find him?”

“Yeah, that's the plan.” Allan shrugged, “But the King's men are needed here t' hold the Castle. Robin and the rest of the gang are out overseeing search parties now.”

Her heart fell. Robin was not in the Castle now? He may have listened to her pleas and perhaps helped her. She would have liked to think their friendship owed her that much respect in his eyes at least, now she would not know. She could not wait on Robin's return.

“Allan. I need to speak to the King.” Lynna stated.

“You?” Allan spluttered, “You think he's gonna listen t' whatever you 'ave t' say t' him?”

“I must try!” Lynna said, her face flushing bright red in angered frustration.

“Lynna, this isn't one o' your brighter ideas....” Allan warned.

“Take me to see the King, immediately!” Lynna screamed.

Allan threw up his hands in resignation, wincing at the shrill sound of Lynna's scream. “All right, all right...come with me.”

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