Chapter 16: Realizations

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The days which passed were filled with confusion. Lynna felt caught up in a tide, being swept along this way and that. Her head was spinning with a dizzy feeling that was not altogether unpleasant. She was acutely aware that Katherine found her rather amusing in her current state and she still could not understand her winks and smiles. Lynna was getting the suspicion that Katherine knew something she did not.

Friendly suspicions aside, Lynna had never felt more at ease within the Castle. Guy had permanently removed her guard and had given her a proper room; with a window and candles to banish the dark. The gesture had shocked her, but then everything about Gisborne shocked her. The man had no patience for anyone within the Castle, now that he was well enough to resume his duties, his temper had only seemed to increase. Except where she was concerned. He would snarl and glare at her while he was around the Sheriff, or watched by guards, but once alone with her he spoke to her softly and kindly. Lynna was beginning to understand that there were, indeed two sides to this man. What was more astounding to her than anything was that she felt safer with Guy than she had ever felt with Robin. Robin's protection had been swift and fleeting, like an arrow; while Guy's was like a shield, constant and enclosing where fears and threats would glance off of it and never touch her.

And if there was one thing Lynna feared in Nottingham it was the Sheriff. Her current position of contentedness was fragile, she could easily be placed back in the dungeons, or hang over a trivial matter all on the whim of the Sheriff. She wasn't a fool, she knew she had Katherine, Guy and even Robin to thank for her life.

She had grown used to Robin's absence from her life, although she did still miss his company at times. So when she saw the man she recognized as Allan come striding in through the Castle Gates she didn't know whether to hide or go to see what he was doing in such a dangerous place.

She followed his movements as he was led by two guards towards the Great Hall. Lynna peered around a pillar, making sure to stay at least ten paces away from them. Allan was intercepted; however, by Guy. Lynna's eyes went wide and she quickly stole herself away back around the stone pillar. She pressed herself up close against the pillar and the wall behind it as she heard the guards clank their way past her hiding spot. She breathed a sigh of relief as the walked on without noticing her presence at all.

“You must have a death wish.” She heard Guy growl. She turned her head just a little, she could just see the two men by the doors to the hall.

“Look, I saved your life so you owe me.” Allan retorted.

“What do you want?” Guy asked indifferently.

“I want t' come back to the Castle, work for you.” Allan said.

Guy chuckled coldly at the response, “Don't insult me, I know you've always been working for Hood.” He walked past him.

Allan turned. “All right, all right,” he drew in a heavy breath, “I respect you, Gisborne, so I won't lie to you. Robin asked me to spy for him here in the castle.”

Guy paused, “Why are you telling me this?”

“Like I said, I respect you, an' I worked for you once honestly so I think you deserve t' know.” Allan shrugged.

“What does Hood want?” Guy growled, walking back over towards Allan.

“Do I have a job or what?” Allan asked first.

Guy stared him down in silence for a moment. “Give me one reason why I shouldn't drag you down into the dungeons and get the information out my own way?”

“It's about a messenger.” Allan said quickly, “We, the gang, saw one leaving the Castle. Robin wants me to find out where he was going and why.”

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