Chapter 33: A Traitor Realized

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The night wind howled shrilly in Robin's ears, but he payed it no mind. The air was warm for the hour, and the moon was full, brightening up the darkened harbor. The conditions were a blessing; a sign, in Robin's eyes that they held the right on their side. He had waited a long time for this.

He felt a hand brush up against his. Clorinda spoke lowly and comfortingly. Her lips hardly moving and her eyes averted from him, guardedly watching ahead, “She'd be proud of you.” She said.

His heart swelled within him at those words. He merely nodded in acknowledgment of them and pulled his hood up over his head, noticing Clorinda do the same. With a wave of his hand he signaled for the rest of the gang to move forward. They had been dodging and ducking behind docked ships to avoid detection. The one curse from the bright moonlight was that it not only illuminated the harbor, it revealed them to their enemies.

There! The crest of the darkened wave brought with it the hull of a ship. The ship, he prayed, which bore their King. Already he could hear Much unsheathe his sword. The rest of the gang seemed to take this as a cue. Allan drew his short sword, Djaq and Will brought for their blades, Little John gripped his staff tightly; and Clorinda readied her bow and selected an arrow from the quiver on her back. She smiled at them all, but all about there was a silent nervous tension.

The ship drew ever closer, and now; Robin noticed, his eyes going wide, could he see the dark figures of at least six men emerge from the shadows. Their gang outnumbered the men only by one, but how many were left to hang back and wait for their leaders?

The ship was close, Robin could hear the men on board shouting orders at one another. The harsh sound cut into the stillness of the night and Robin winced at the noise.

“Master?” Much whispered, “When...?”

“On my signal.” Robin answered calmly. No need for excitement or temper. He had dreamed of this night for months, he was ready he had been ready for years.

While Robin continued to watch for the ship to dock, Allan inched over to Djaq. He placed a hand over hers. He felt her stiffen at his touch. There would be no talking not with Will at her side, but if one of them should die tonight Allan needed to be with her one last time; and good-byes did not always come with words. It was enough.

The Black Knights drew closer; Robin tensed at the sight. He waited, biding his time like a wolf before it attacks a herd of deer. The ship docked, the anchor thrown and the rope tossed to the dock. Now, before they disembarked, now before the King fell right into the hands of the waiting traitors. Now, now...

Now!” Robin hissed, springing forth from their hiding spot. Robin fired the first arrow into the group of men.

The panic was instant and the group of six broke formation to look about for their attackers. Swords were drawn, but Robin Hood and his gang were already on them. Clorinda fell upon one of them, her arrow finding its mark in the man's chest. She half laughed in relief and nervous fear as she joined in her first battle.

More men came down the harbor, just as Robin had predicted. “Behind you!” He shouted to his gang. Little John, plowed his way up to meet them and cut through the men's ranks with his staff. Allan and Will laughed at the sight, simultaneously cutting down two soldiers with their swords.

Suddenly there was a blur of steel. Men from the ship came thundering down. The soldiers of the Black Knights fell. One of the men from the ship whirled upon Robin, blade drawn and ready. “Peace!” Robin shouted, “Peace! I am Robin of Locksley. I served in the King's Guard!”

The man lowered his sword, “I know who you are, Robin.”

Robin's bow fell from his hands, “Y-your Majesty?”

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