Chapter 18: The Act of Being Brave

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Guy found his sister walking the grounds with her husband. “Katherine!” He called as he ran over towards her.

“Guy?” Katherine turned in astonishment, Garrett tightened his grip on his wife's arm protectively. “What is it?”

“Can I trust you?” He said in a low tone.

“I'm insulted you should ask me such a question.” Katherine snapped.

“Kathy, I do not have time for this.” Guy said. “I need your help.”

“From me?” Katherine said, “What for?”

“Both of you.” Guy said, gesturing towards Garrett as well, “It's Lynna...”

“What would you have me do?” Katherine said, her eyes narrowing seriously.

Guy took both his sister and Garrett aside and explained to them the situation. “If you can take her and get her out, I will make sure you will not be followed.”

“How do you purpose we get her out?” Katherine asked.

Garrett had remained silent for a long time, “Disguise her.” he said quietly. “As one of your handmaids, she can leave with us.”

Katherine looked as if she could kiss her husband, she turned to her brother, “I will fetch Lynna.”

“What I want to know,” Garrett interjected, “is why you want to ensure her escape?”

“She does not deserve to die.” Guy growled.

“Why would you care if she does?” Garrett snarled back.

Katherine cuffed her husband around his ears. “Quiet, the both of you. If you want to stand around bickering that's fine, I intend to save my friend! Garrett, ready a change of clothes for Lynna. Guy, see that the gates are open for us to leave. Now, shift yourselves!”


Lynna threaded a string of yarn through the loom, humming quietly as she did so. She had taken to draping the blankets on the bed about herself to keep away the cold. She glanced out the window, seeing the snow still steadily falling. She smiled, for once glad to be in the safety of the Castle versus the cold and damp of her small home in Locksley.

The door opened with a bang, and Lynna jumped, twisting the yarn through the loom. She gave a sigh of frustration and began to tug the ruined string out of the pattern. She turned to see her intruder. “Katherine,” she shook her head at her, “Was that really necessary? You made me break yet another row!” She laughed a little. “Come in.”

“Lynna, I was hoping you would walk with me.” Katherine said in a falsely cheery voice.

“Walk? It's snowing outside! Do you want to freeze to death?” Lynna chuckled.

“Oh a little cold never harmed anyone, come on, you've been cooped up in here for far too long.” Katherine insisted, reaching for her friend's hand.

“My goodness, Katherine!” Lynna exclaimed as she was led from her chair and practically dragged to the door, “I've never seen you in such a state before. What's wrong?”

“Wrong? What could be wrong?” Katherine said dismissively.

“I'm not used to being dragged from my work so suddenly, especially from you. Now, tell me why are we really going for a walk?” Lynna said.

“My dear, I will tell you shortly, but for now, do not ask me questions.” Katherine said with a calm smile.

Lynna could detect the seriousness of her tone and the worry behind those cheerful blue eyes. “You frighten me with your attitude, Katherine.”

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