Chapter 36: Aftermath

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Robin whirled about on hearing Lynna's cry, only to see her trying to hold the Sheriff in place. She looked more like a mouse catching a viper by the tail. He didn't think, he started running, but someone overtook him in his pursuit. Gisborne; and Robin had never seen him nor any man with such fury in his eyes in all of his life. Like a berserk wolf Guy fought to get to Lynna and the Sheriff, killing blindly in his efforts. Robin found himself fighting alongside his enemy, both of them focused on the same goal.

Upon seeing the two men nearing him, the Sheriff panicked. He shoved Lynna away from him violently, backhanding her as he did so. Lynna went reeling into the wall behind her, her head connecting with the stone with a sickening CRACK! She crumpled to the floor like a broken doll.

LYNNA!” The name was wrenched from both Robin and Guy; neither knew who had spoken first.

The shouts produced a lull in the fighting for an instant. Katherine screamed and sent the sword that, up until now she had only been using to beat back the soldiers and not kill, flying straight into one of the soldiers' chests. Cut, bruised, bleeding and exhausted the gang attacked with renewed fervor. Little John had an arrow still lodged in his shoulder, but he continued to swing his quarter staff with deadly accuracy. Allan; who seemed to have been faltering previously, regained newfound energy. Djaq and Will were alongside Clorinda and the three and formed a tight triangle, stabbing from all sides.

Guy charged up the steps, and with an almost demonic energy, grabbed the Sheriff with one hand, broken as it was, and slammed him against the wall. Jarred for only a moment, the Sheriff winced, chuckling almost to mask the very real and growing fear gnawing at him. “What are you going to do Gisborne, kill me?”

“Yes.” Guy snarled, “Something I should have done long ago.” He flung the man away from the wall, advancing on him slowly.

“Oh, but you won't. I know you, Gisborne. I know where your loyalties lie.” The Sheriff snapped.

“Do you? Then you know what happens to those who betray my loyalty.” Guy hissed, enjoying the occasional glances of fear the Sheriff was sending him.

“The one who betrayed you is him!” The Sheriff shouted, pointing off at King Richard, “He took your lands, he made you an outcast.”

“As a boy I might have believed that story.” Guy said with a frightening laugh, “But I've come to understand the truth.”

“What are you talking about, Gisborne?” The Sheriff spluttered, backing up slowly.

“I know how you planned on overthrowing the King; how you were killing any who stood against my father?” Guy growled, backing the Sheriff up towards the steps. He could see Robin advancing on him from over the Sheriff's shoulder.

“Your father was weak!” The Sheriff spat, “Couldn't understand the amount of power he could have had. The fool clung to his petty loyalties rather then accept the fact he served a useless King. He failed to choose the winning side and he died because of it.”

Guy laughed; it came out grating and low and without a trace of humor. The light in his eyes was murderous; and he appeared like a wolf slowly circling in on its prey. Robin was immediately behind the Sheriff, like the hidden member of the pack, waiting to be allowed to make the killing blow. The two men seemed to have realized this and had, without a word or a signal, taken up the proper positions.

“Haven't you realized?” Guy said, “You've lost, Vaysey. All of it. The King has returned, the Black Knights are finished....and all you can do is run scared from the battle.”

“You won't kill me, Gisborne.” The Sheriff reiterated in a panic, “If you were you would have already done it.”

“You're right.” Guy agreed, “I won't kill you....but he will.” He nodded to Robin.

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