Chapter 1- The party girls

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I was staring at the sidewalk while walking home from school, deep in thought that I didn't even hear my best friend Monica calling me.

"Hello, earth to Sam. Wake up!"

"Oh, why hello there I totally did not forget about you right here next to me." I smiled innocently at her.

She rolled her eyes, "yeah, right that explains you ignoring me with that look on your face that means you're daydreaming about who knows what because really whatever goes on in your head is a mystery to everyone. I mean you are so random and...plain weird, but I still love you because you're the bestest best friend anyone could ever have, even if you do get on my nerves sometimes, but still."

I raised my eyebrows at her somewhat long, but true, speech.

"So anyways, are you ready to party!?" she cheered.

I groaned. I wasn't the type of person to go to parties, they just weren't my thing. Yet somehow I'd agreed to come with Monica. It wasn't my fault though, she could be very convincing when she wanted to.

"We're gonna have so much fun, I can't wait for it. Thanks for coming with me, it wouldn't be the same without you." she smiled at me and I grinned back at her. Before I knew it we were at Monica's house saying goodbye to each other.

I walked the rest of the way to my house and saw that my mom was waiting for me on the porch.
"Hi mom, what's up?" I hugged her.

She smiled at me before saying "I'm fine what about you? You're the one going to a party, are you excited? I can't believe it my little baby's growing up."

We went inside and I greeted my dad with a hug; he tried to ruffle my hair so I darted out of his reach. He chuckled and kept on eating. After gobbling up my food I went to my room to pick out my outfit, take a shower and get dressed and ready.

* ~ *
An Hour Later...

I stood next to Monica in what I thought was the crowded living room with nowhere to sit and no one that we knew in sight. I awkwardly tried to pull down my dress to cover my knees but it was impossible. Monica also shifted uncomfortably.

I was wearing a white dress that went mid-thigh and I wasn't that comfortable showing that much leg. I wanted to wear tights under but Monica and I agreed on not wearing jeans or anything like that. Originally she wanted to wear jeans but instead she wore a black flowing skirt and a very cute white blouse.

Finally a girl named Clarisa came up to us with a friendly smile and I couldn't help but smile back.

"Omg hi!" she squealed. "I'm so glad you came. Please have fun there's some food at that table if you're hungry. Well someone's calling me, I have to go. Bye!"

I immediately went for the food and the first thing I saw was a chocolate fountain. I grabbed fruit off a plate and covered it in chocolate before biting into it. Fireworks exploded in my brain and my mouth felt like heaven.

I hummed happily but Monica yanked me away laughing and into the 'dance floor'. I shrugged.
I liked dancing almost as much as chocolate the only problem was that I didn't know how to dance.

Still though Monica and I started swaying to the music her more gracefully and me just random. Soon the dance floor was packed and I was surprised at how many people were actually dancing. It was cute how couples danced together at slow songs and Monica and I sighed and awwed at them.

One day maybe that could be me. Pshh yeah right. Unless I can dance with food....nah.

Time went by in a blur and soon our curphew came up and we had to go.

Monica's mom's car was there waiting for us with us giggling while we climbed in.

"You are ridiculous you were like a robot in there, so funny."

I snorted and we started laughing again. "And you, you should've seen yourself trying to moonwalk. Looked more like an elephant tromping around."

"At least I wasn't actually trying to walk the moon you looked like a bubble bouncing in slow motion, ha!"

"Walk the Moon!" we shouted at the same time before singing 'shut up and dance' at the top of our lungs. Then we burst out laughing for no reason at all. Seriously if I didn't know better I would've thought we were drunk.

Too soon we got to Monica's house and I said bye to her and her mom. I walked the rest of the way to my house and the sound of sirens growing louder got me worried but I thought it was at the neighbor's so I ignored it. As I got to my house I realized that the police and ambulance were actually at my house. I ran to the nearest police man and asked what was going on.

He frowned at me and said that only family were allowed here then looked at the yellow tape surrounding the yard. Oh yeah, I had ducked under it to get here, oopsie.

"Excuse me sir but I am family. I mean I live here and the people that also live here are my parents so I think I have the right to know what happened." My temper snapped so I snapped too.

The officer's face automatically turned from stern to sympathetic.

Oh no. That can't be good.

I tried to keep my expression neutral. Keyword: tried. I was freaking out.

The officer hesitated before saying slowly:

"Um...listen, something happened here while you were gone. You see the neighbors called at around 11 pm, said there were weird noises coming from here. When we came there was no answer at the door so we entered trough a window that was already broken-"

"Ok I get it, you got in blah blah blah. Get to the point. Please." I tried to sound careless but I choked on my held back tears.

The officer looked away. "I think you might want to hear it all." He went on when I nodded.

"Everything seemed normal but when we went upstairs there was a mess like if there had been a fight. We saw bodies on the floor. I'm sorry. There were no survivors."

The words swirled around in my brain not making any sense.

No survivors.

Mom and dad.


Those words snapped me back to reality.

My ears were ringing, the world was spinning, everything was blurring together especially the officer's stupid face and all others looking at me in pity. The world was closing in on me, I had to get away somewhere, anywhere far from here.

I ran. I ran as fast and far as my tired legs would take me. Tears made it hard to see where I was going and I was stumbling around, dizzy.

Just when I felt like collapsing I looked up and realized I was at Monica's house.

I knocked on the door and it opened up to Monica's mom smiling and saying something about cookies. Once she saw my expression though, hers changed to one of concern. But before she could say anything I darted upstairs to Monica's room.

One look at my face and she came over to console me patting my back without saying anything and I was grateful for that because things were not going to be Ok.

Monica held me while I sobbed and I eventually fell asleep hoping it was all a dream.


Hi y'all. How are you doing? I'm so excited to be writing this. It's my first book so sorry if there's any mistakes, I'm new at this.

Hopefully you're enjoying this. The first chapter is a little eh, but it will get better along the way.

So thank you so much for giving A Wish Upon a Moon a shot. Hopefully you like it.
:) :) :)

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