Chapter 7- School

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Something warm and wet all over my face woke me up. I wanted to stay in bed all day but the sticky thing attacked again and I groaned.

Opening my eyes I saw Nugget's tongue licking me, causing me to groan again.

Deyko giggled and I looked over to see her putting on her shoes. I laughed too, and pushed Nugget off my chest.

How did her tiny feet land all the way to my bed. It's like she can fly.

"I put Nugget on your bed so she could wake you up since you were still snoring when the alarm rang."

It's like she can read my mind. Wait what did she say?

I gasped in mock horror. "I do not snore you little chicken nugget."

Nugget perked her ears up at the sound of her name.

Deyko giggled again and made a run for the door. I got up to chase her but fell on the floor with a loud thump.

Deyko cracked up and I tried to get up, only for the sheets tangled up in my legs to trip me again.

She doubled over laughing which gave me a chance to disentangle myself and run towards her.

"So you want to laugh, huh?" I tickled her until she snorted with laughter, and I laughed along with her.

"Ah stop! I can't- haha -stop laughing." Deyko said.

Oh gosh she's killing me. Too funny.

When we were finally calm I pulled out an outfit to wear and quickly changed.

Pulling out my schedule I turned to Deyko to see if she knew where the classrooms were at but she'd already left.

I looked over at Nugget and wondered about how to keep her hidden.

Just as I gave her some food, a thought struck me: what if she did her business while I was gone?

I looked at the time and saw that school didn't actually start for a little while.

Should I risk it? What if I get caught.

Well if she poops here I'm still going to get caught, so what the heck?

I gathered Nugget into my arms and carefully stepped outside.

"Boo!" Deyko jumped up in front of me, scaring the bejeezus out of me.

"Oh my gosh, Deyko you scared me!"

"That was the point." she said, still giggling.

"Are you going to get breakfast or can you help me sneak the dog outside?"

"Why are you gonna take her out, I thought we were gonna keep her?" Deyko pulled out her lower lip.

"What? Of course we're going to keep her, I'm taking her out so that she can do her business."

"Oh ok. What's her business?"

"It's when she goes to the restroom."

"Ooh. Where do we take her out?"

"Follow me and tell me if someone's coming."

I led her to the back door where I'd gone to yesterday and we went outside.

"Come on Nugget, do what you have to do."

Nugget, the smart little puppy that she was, seemed to understand me and soon we left.

Just as we were about to turn the corner, Deyko stopped, and I almost ran into her.

"The principal's coming. We have to hide!"

I quickly ran the other way and turned to the side of the hall opposite from her office, Deyko close behind.

Then we ran around the orphanage back to our room.

"That was close." I said as I closed the door behind me.

"Yeah. Let's go to class now." Deyko said, panting.

Before we left I asked her if she knew where my classes were at, and she left me instructions on how to get there.

Then we went our separate ways.

Turn left and go straight out the door.

I went into a small garden I didn't even know existed and entered the building on the other side of it.

Room 2106. Where is it at, this is the gym. Why would they send me...?

Oh yeah, Deyko had said that there was classes here.

So I came in and the first person that I saw was Makaela. Mostly because she was one of three people in there besides the teacher.

When she saw me she glared at me then turned to the girls next to her and whispered something.

The girls looked at me and snickered while Makaela smirked and turned away laughing with a dramatic hair flip.

Soon the gym filled up and the teacher introduced me to the huge class, then gave us a surprise quiz.

Geez, a quiz on my first day of school? That sucks.

When I looked at the many questions there, I died. Not really but..

She calls this a quiz? Might as well be a frigging test. Wait..if this is a quiz then how long would a real test be?

With a sigh I started answering the questions. Actually, they were pretty easy, since we'd already gone over this back at my old school.

In no time I walked up to the teacher who was reading and handed her my

Makaela looked up at me and loudly said to me so the whole class would hear her.

"Wow, did you even try to answer them correctly? I bet you just guessed on all of them to try to seem smart"

I merely smirked at her and said, "Come on, Makaela, I know you're trying to make me look stupid, but face it, you're the one that's looking stupid, and desperate too."

I wasn't going to put up with her bullpoop today, my day started out good and I wasn't gonna let her ruin that.

The rest of the school day went by peacefully and then the bell rang.

Finally, I can go to my room and sleep.

But on my way there principal Carter stopped me and told me that I had guests.

I quietly followed her to her office wondering who could be here.

When the door opened I saw detective Jones sitting in an armchair deep in conversation with miss Little.

Principal Carter cleared her throat and gestured to me.

"Detective Jones here is Samantha Gomez, you asked for her?"

Detective Jones smiled at me and stood up.

"So we meet again Sam. Is it okay that I call you that?"

"Sure, but only if I can call you Jones." I teased.

"Then we have a deal Sam" he put emphasis on my name, as if getting used to it.

"So what do you need me for?" I asked somewhat nervous.

"Well, we would like it if you could come over to your house for a while to help search for clues. Only if you want to." he said reluctantly.

I stood dumbfounded staring at him. Go back home? It was too soon but I missed it there and wanted to help in any way possible.

So, still speechless, I slowly but surely nodded my head.

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