Chapter 12- Preparations

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The breakfast that morning wasn't that bad. We had somewhat decent pancakes, and eggs and bacon with orange juice.

I wasn't hungry, though. My nerves took up most of my stomach and I didn't feel like eating anyway.

Maybe it would be good if I didn't eat in case I got nauseous and threw up, I didn't want that.

It was bad enough having to attend my parent's rosary and funeral, humiliating myself in front of everyone would make it worse.

After Deyko went to her class I dragged my feet on the empty hallway going to the principal's office.

When I got there, miss Little embraced me and whispered, "good luck." in my ear.

I clutched her tightly and let a muffled sob escape me. I needed to be strong for this.

Miss Little pulled me in to the small room and sat me down in a chair.

"I thought you might want some time alone before leaving to let out your feelings, scream if you want to. I'll go now, but when you're ready, detective Jones will be waiting outside to take you to miss Chavez's house. There you all will discuss some things before heading over to the chapel."

"We're going to Monica's house? For what?" I sniffed.

"I'm not sure. For some last minute arrangements I guess." miss Little shrugged.

Then she turned to leave but I stood up and hugged her. She was a really nice person, one of only two people that made me feel like this dang orphanage wasn't as bad as it seemed.

"Thank you miss Little. So much, for everything." my voice cracked at the end, and tears spilled from my eyes.

Miss Little rubbed my back while I cried into her shoulder, offering me the support that I'd been longing for. That only a mother or close friend or family member could give to a person as broken as me. The support that only someone that understood my pain, what I was going through, could know that I needed it.

And I realized that miss Little must've been an orphan too; to be able to console me. She went through the same thing, and that's why she had enough patience to deal with the many kids that also had pain in their lives.

And that only made me cry harder, that I was full on sobbing and probably ruining her shirt.

How come there were so many people that lived without families? No wonder there were so many people in this world.

Hardly anyone wanted to adopt, because what if their parents were drug addicts? Then they would be addicted to drugs because it 'runs in the genes'.

I didn't believe in that, kids turned out the way their parents educated them, not what runs in the blood.

And then there were those who didn't want to adopt simply because they weren't their own kids.

This world was already full, and a lot of that population lived in orphanages. But no, I mean, can't these people see that so many kids grow up without love, and yet they want to have a lot of children.

That was it. If I ever got married, I would adopt my children, I would adopt three or four, from different countries.

Mexico, Africa, China, Australia, here in the U.S., wherever. I didn't care about their race or ethnicity, they needed someone to care for them, I would be there.

"Sweetie, I hate to do this but I need to go to class, my students are waiting. I'm sorry." miss Little interrupted my thoughts.

"I-I'm Sorry for-for getting your shirt messed up." I sobbed, pulling away from her reluctantly.

She gave me a sympathetic smile and placed her hand on my shoulder.

"It's alright, it's just a shirt. I really wish I could stay here and support you, but you do need some alone time to gather your thoughts. And to let out all that pent up emotion, although I have a feeling you'll finally let out your feelings with your friend."

I forced a smile and wiped my tears. She was right, I would probably break down again if Monica or Mrs Chavez asked me how I was coping with this. I felt secure and comfortable there, with them because I had shared half of my life with Monica, and so they were like my second family, now the closest thing I had to it with my parents...dead.

"Yeah...well it depends. If we have too much work, then I should focus."

Miss Little nodded and left the room, looking back at me before closing the door.

I sniffled and got a tissue to clean up my face. I bet my nose was as red as Rudolf, my eyes puffy and also red, and tear tracks on my cheeks. I looked so unattractive when I cried, that was why I didn't like to cry in public.

I checked my purse to see if I had everything I needed and went outside.

I didn't wait long before Mrs. Chavez's car appeared and parked in front of me.

"Hi, Sam. Hop in, we're going to my house to create a little slideshow of pictures and memories. Monica stayed behind to look for more photo albums."

"Oh, that's cool I guess."

The rest of the ride was silent, but a comfortable silence in which we didn't know what to say.

Mrs. Chavez turned the engine off when we arrived to her house. I saw the curtain move aside and Monica's head peeking at us.

I waved at her and she gave me a huge grin then ran to open the door.

"Hey gurl, how's it going?" Monica came and hugged me.

I shrugged. "I don't know. I haven't been feeling like myself lately, I am...confused, and sad."

"Everything will be fine, you'll see. I know it's hard but with time everything will be a-okay." she winked.

I smiled at her and pushed her lightly. "Thanks. Now are you going to let me in or will I have to stay out here?"

"You are gonna stay here, tied to the chair, like a dog. Now bark!"

"Woof. There I was good now let me in." I raised an eyebrow at her.

Monica laughed and yanked me inside. "Come on I found some pictures and the camera now I need to transfer them to the computer and use them to make a slideshow. If you're ok with that."

I nodded. "Yeah, it's creative."

All three of us sat at the table and started picking out the best pictures. There was silly ones, cute ones, formal, all full of memories.

We plugged in the camera to the computer and messed around with it until we figured out how to pass them.

Then we arranged them into the slideshow. It was painful seeing how happy we all were, how oblivious I was to the way my life would turn upside down.

"There, I think it came out pretty good."

"Pretty good? It came out great! The pictures, the words, colors, even the print and size of the words fit in perfectly and makes it more emotional." Mrs. Chavez waved her hands around while speaking.

"I really miss them." I whispered.

"I do too, sweetie. Me too." Mrs. Chavez leaned towards me and hugged me and Monica.

"Anyways," I cleared my throat when my voice sounded like a throaty croak. "Anyways, we should go already, we have to be there earlier to make sure everything is as planned."

"True, true. I almost forgot. Come on, are you ready?" Mrs. Chavez asked us.

We nodded and Monica grabbed the computer and put it in her bag.

We got in the car while Mrs. Chavez locked the door, and then started the car.

I took a deep breath.

"Alright ladies, here we go."

And so we drove off to the sunset and lived happily ever after.

I mentally snorted. As if, for some reason I felt like if this 'adventure' was just starting.

Guess I'd have to find out.

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