Chapter 19- New Life

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I put down my bags and looked around me at my new room. It was nice, three walls were painted white and one was a teal green. It was relaxing to look at and I liked it except for the fact that it was bare with just a bed and nightstand and a TV. That was literally it, no closet or drawers so I didn't know where I could put my clothes.

I'd just deal with that later. Now I was going to set up my room with my essentials, try out the bed- wether it was soft or hard, comfortable, you know- read for a while to take my mind off life, and get some sleep.

Amanda had shown me the rest of the house so I knew my way around in case I felt hungry or wanted something. It was a nice two story house and had that feeling of home and family that made anyone comfortable so it wasn't that awkward.

The only room that they didn't show me the inside of was Eric's study though but I didn't mind. It was his personal space and stuff and I wasn't all that interested in what he did in there. Probably just a bunch of boring things that adults did for their work. Yup, not interested.

Now I took off my clothes and changed into something more comfortable. I was ready for this. I could do this, and it wouldn't be bad at all. I tried to convince myself of these things but part of me was still restless.

After such a long day I thought that as soon as my head touched my pillow I would fall asleep, but no, even after reading a few chapters my mind just would not shut down. I was tired and sleepy but couldn't sleep. I hated days, or rather nights, like this. Nights where exhaustion seeped into every part of me until all I could do was lay still and comfortable, eyes closed, half-asleep and half-awake, unsure if those noises and flittering images were real or not.

So I just cuddled Nugget closer to me and let her soft fur calm me as I stroked her.


"Sam, breakfast is ready." a knock sounded at the door and then Amanda's voice spoke such magnificent words. Breakfast.

I breathed in and opened my eyes taking everything in. My room. My new house. New 'family'. Everything.  It was hard to believe all of this, things were happening too fast and I was trying to catch up and get myself to accept it.

I shook off my thoughts and headed down to breakfast, Nugget bounding along with her ears perked up and nose twitching. She went under the table and sniffed around ready to eat scraps, waiting for the food.

"I made pancakes if that's ok with you, along with eggs and bacon since almost everyone seems to like them." Amanda said turning around with a delicious looking plate in her hands. Well the food on the plate was delicious not the plate itself that would be weird. Unless...the plate was made of candy like gingerbread, candy cane, or something. That would be darn cool, having a meal and dessert together but not mixed up. I had to look up if such a thing existed, I mean I could become a millionaire  for inventing it. And even if no one bought them, I certainly would so who cares?

"Um Samantha are you ok?" Amanda peered at me in concern and I snapped out of my fantasy. Great, my imagination got me carried away on my first day here, not even a day could I go by as a normal person.

"Yeah I'm fine," I laughed it off. "The food looks delicious thank you. If you don't mind me asking, where is Eric?" He wasn't sitting at the table and I didn't see him as I passed by the living room on my way here.

"Oh he's probably up at his office he usually eats there when he has a lot to work on." She said it nonchalantly but I could tell it bothered her that her own husband wouldn't take the time to even eat with her. Then she frowned. "Oh how rude of him to miss breakfast with us on your first day here. I'll go call him down you wait a minute."

I opened my mouth to tell her not to worry but she disappeared before I could say anything. I was left awkwardly waiting alone for her to come back. But after a while with no sign of any of them the hunger got me and I dug in. The food was good, it really was, but it couldn't compare to my parents' cooking. I couldn't help but notice how Amanda's eggs were slightly saltier, the bacon not as greasy which was healthy I supposed but different. And the pancakes my gosh, I wasn't complaining. They were perfect, wonderfully toasted, with warm gooey chocolate chips. My mom's were usually burnt to a crisp and my dad's usually had fruits in them- bits of banana or blueberries- but now I would give anything to have those burnt pancakes again.

"Well fine then, be rude! Geez..." Amanda grumbled coming downstairs. She looked up and met my eyes making awkward eye contact with me until her gaze drifted to my empty plate. That brought a warm smile to her face. "How was breakfast? Did you enjoy it or feed it all to the dog....what's his name again?" She chuckled.

"Nugget." I shook my head. "No haha the food was great thank you so much." I looked down to see Nugget staring at me wistfully as if saying you didn't give me anything you human. Oops I forgot.

"You're welcome." Amanda sat down on the chair across from mine. "So I figured you might need some time to get accommodated, get used to this city and go out and explore some common places. You used to live in the next town over is that right? Have you ever been here?"

I shrugged. "My dad brought me when I was little to check out his job back when he worked here.  I don't really remember but I'm pretty sure some things have changed. Everything changes."

"Yes, but change isn't always a bad thing." Amanda responded. "Anyways, I was thinking maybe instead of going to school you can look around at the programs each high school has and if you're interested in one to register you there."

"I would like that very much thank you. How long until I have to start school?"

"Well at most a month. I do want you to feel at home before rushing you into a new environment."

I smiled gratefully. "That's good I guess. But is it ok if we start some other day? Right now I just want to...sleep. And see about decorating my room. Speaking there isn't really a lot of furniture in my room, so I was wondering if, well we could-"

"Oh yes! Yeah sorry about that we just wanted to wait for you to choose for yourself." Amanda said, cutting me off. Which was a good thing because I was starting to get really awkward asking to go buy stuff.

"Ok then now that that's settled, I'll be off to get some rest." As I turned to walk away I heard Amanda timidly say, "I'm sorry if you didn't sleep well last night, and I understand that you need some space to get accustomed to being here. I'm willing to give you as much time and space as you need, but just know that if there's anything you want to talk about I'm here for you."

Tears sprang to my eyes and I tried to blink them away but that only caused them to run down my cheeks. I felt a knot in the back of my throat so I just nodded quickly to let her know I appreciated her efforts and ran upstairs, not caring that I looked like staggering donkey. I just wanted to get to my room, be in peace. I wanted to have peace back in my life. I wanted my mom to hug me and tell me everything was going to be Ok, but the only reason all this was happening was because she wasn't here.

Finally I flung the door open, and kept it open just long enough for Nugget to dart inside before slamming it shut. Then I collapsed on my bed and sobbed quiet, racking sobs that shook throughout my entire body and tired me so I no longer had any strength in me and no tears left my eyes. I was just a shivering, numb mess.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2017 ⏰

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