Chapter 5- Day off

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Miss Little walked out and when she saw me her eyes widened.

"Samantha, what are you doing here? Did you hear anything going on in there? How long have you been standing there?"

" um, I just got here, why? Did something happen?" I didn't want her to feel bad so I played dumb.

"Oh no nothing happened, do you need help with anything?"

I forced a smile, "actually yeah, I was wondering about school. Do I have classes today or should I just go to.." I trailed off, not knowing anything about anything.

Miss Little smiled. "No, you can take this day all for yourself. If you want you can walk outside while the weather is nice."

"Ok I'll do that. Thanks miss, bye!"

Going to my room I got my book and packed a sandwich. I was going to get hungry so might as well be prepared.

Somehow I found the back door without wandering too far and sat ouside in a bench under a weeping willow tree.

I lay down With my book in hand and decided to take a nap. But sleep didn't come, So I just ate my sandwich instead.

Ahh food. I love you so much, please marry me.

So I can eat you. Mwahaha, you won't even see it coming.

Wow, talking to food? No wonder you don't have a boyfriend.

Meh, who needs a guy when I've got food.

Wow, first talking to food now talking to my brain again. I need more friends.

I reached my hand to the sandwich but it was gone, leaving nothing crumbs behind.

I must've eaten it without realizing. And I didn't even get to savor it.

Suddenly someone called out to me while I was sitting here and pouting.

"Samantha, there you are. I was wondering if you could run an errand for me."

"Oh sure miss Little. What do you need?"

"Well I'm sorry for asking this, but I have class and you're the only that's free, so could you head over to the store and get some stuff for me?"

"Um..sure why not? What do you want me to buy and where's the store at?" Anything to get out of this terrible place.

Miss Little smiled and handed me a list.

"It's a few blocks away from here, to the right. You can't miss it, it has a huge board on top advertising stuff."

I nodded and headed over to my room to grab my black leather jacket and left.

Thankfully I didn't run into anyone on my way out, everything was peaceful.

As I walked to the store I noticed a cardboard box with a little puppy in it.

"Aw, you're so cute, what are you doing here little buddy? Are you cold?" I asked as the dog shivered.

"Stay right there, I'll come back for you in a little while."

I couldn't help it. When it came to puppies I was a softie. I wasn't sure if the orphanage allowed pets- probably not- but I would take my chances.

I mean I couldn't just leave it there, winter was coming soon and it could freeze to death if no one took it.

I quickened my pace to be able to get to the store and back to my puppy.

Reaching the store I took out the list of things miss Little wanted me to bring.

Ah man. She didn't give me any money.

Now I had to spend my own, from the extra money I always kept in my jacket. Good thing I brought it.

I went over to the different isles to get the items.

Colors, check.

construction paper, check

Ham, check etc..

I also bought myself and Deyko some chips. She could pick which ones she wanted when I got there since I didn't know what type she liked.

Oh, and I had to get dog food and pet snacks. Gotta feed my puppy something other than meat. And milk.

Just as I turned the corner I crashed into someone, dropping all the stuff and falling to my butt.

"Oh god, that hurt." I groaned before trying to get up.

A hand was held out to me and I gratefully took it.

"Sorry 'bout that I didn't see you there." a male voice said, causing me to look up into beautiful hazel-green eyes.

Oh sweet mama, his eyes. And look at those full lips, makes me want to ki-

No shut up. Food is all you need, not guys.


My thoughts went away when I heard him chuckling.

Oh no, he caught me checking him out. Could this get more embarrassing?

"I'm Xavier, by the way." he introduced himself, his eyes dancing with amusement.

"Oh, um..hi. I'm Sam it's nice to meet you. Or run into you, actually no it was not nice to run into you, it was painful, but even if it wasn't it still wouldn't be nice, more like embarrassing-"

"Ok, so it wasn't nice to run into me, but it was to meet me. Is that what you're saying?" he asked raising an eyebrow.

"Yes. Sorry about rambling on and on, I'm not very good at talking to new people."

"Yeah I noticed. Here, let me help you with that" he gestured at the things scattered across the floor.

Oh yeah I had totally forgotten about that.

I wonder why.

I helped him pick up everything and carried them in my arms.

"Would you like a basket? Unless you want to carry everything with half the stuff falling off."

I glared at him. "I'm perfectly fine like this."

"You sure about that?"

"Please get me a basket?" I sent him off with him laughing his butt off.

When he came back I dumped everything in there and headed off for the rest of my things.

He followed me around while I picked out all my puppy's necessities, ocasionally commenting on my choice of food.

"So you eat dog food? That would explain your yapping." he smirked.

"Oh this, no it's for you. After all you're the one following me around like a wittle lost puppy." I said back, petting his head like if he were a dog.

Obviously it was for my dog but I gave up trying to tell him that when he didn't listen.

Finally I approached the cashier and payed.

"Well I guess I'll see you around Sam."

"Bye, Xavier. And now that I think about it, it was nice crashing into you." I said with a smirk, leaving before he could say anything else.

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