Chapter 6- Nugget

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I took my jacket off and wrapped it around my puppy until she was warm.

She was a golden retriever I think, with soft and fuzzy hair, and ears that lightly slapped against her head when I moved.

I walked the rest of the distance to the orphanage with grocery bags in one hand and my puppy resting on my other, fast asleep.

Inside, I sneaked up to my room and put the chips, dog food, and the puppy down on my bed, making sure she was concealed under the covers, before looking for miss Little.

Going to the class hall I found her in one of the classrooms teaching little kids how to read.

I knocked on the door and she opened it, stepping outside to meet me.

"I'm sorry I just realized I didn't give you any money to buy the things I needed. How could I forget?" miss Little looked anxious.

"It's ok miss. I bought everything you needed with my own money, but you don't have to pay me back."

Please pay me back, please pay me back.

"Are you kidding? Of course I have to pay you back. Here, ten dollars is all I have on me right now." she gave me a ten dollar bill with a sheepish smile.

"Oh, and here's your schedule for tomorrow. You have two teachers, one for 2 topics and another for the rest. Class starts at 8:30 and breakfast is from 7:00 to 8:25."

I smiled at her. "thanks miss." then I went back to my room to check on my puppy.

I still didn't know what to name her so I'd let Deyko decide. In the meantime..

What to do?

Oh! I hadn't talked to Monica about how things were going, and she was my best friend she needed to know what went on with my life.

Specially my love life.

Shut up you don't have one.

But I could. Like maybe Xavier-

What was wrong with me? I would probably never see him again, and even if I did he wouldn't notice me.

So back to the topic at hand, Monica. I needed my best friend.

I decided to text her if she was busy and she replied that she was at school but could still talk to me.

Then she called me.

"Sam, hi. Good to know that you didn't forget about me while you've been gone. So hows life?"

"It's alright I guess. How are you talking to me right now, did your teacher let you use your phone?"

"nah, I'm in the restroom. Told the Miss that I had to go to the nurse, and since school's almost over I took my stuff. So you got 15 minutes to talk."

"Ok well, I'm starting class tomorrow and there's this girl, Makaela who is a total bleep."

"Ugh, what did she do? Tell me so I can beat her non-existing butt."

I laughed at that. "Nothing she just hates me for no apparent reason and was saying mean stuff about me."

"Like what?" Monica asked wanting to know every detail.

"Just that I didn't belong here and no wonder my family didn't want me."

"That little piece of lying shiznuts! Who does she think she is, she doesn't even know you."

"I know but on a better note, I found a puppy while going to the store. No one knows about her yet. And I might've met a guy while on the store." I pulled my phone away from my ear, knowing what was coming next.

"Eek, omygosh! You met a guy. Was he cute? Young? Available? Tell me all about it. Like right now. Every detail of it."

"Well..I kind of bumped into him..."

And so I told her the tale of Xavier and she fangirled along with me during the whole talk.


There was a timid knock on the door.

"Hey Monica I gotta go. My roomate's back and she hasn't met the puppy yet so yeah."

"Oh ok. It was nice catching up on everything. Text me if you see Xavier again. Bye" she hung up.

Suddenly Deyko came up to me and asked, "watcha doing?" right in my ear, causing me to jump up in surprise.

"Hey Deyko I have something to tell you. It's a secret and you can't tell anyone, ok?"

She noded, eyes wide with anticipation.

"Today I went to store and on my way there I ran into a little someone."

I took out the puppy from underneath the sheets of the bed and held her out to her.

"A puppy!" she gasped excitedly.

"Yup. She doesn't have a name yet so You can name her whatever you want."

"Really? Yay! She looks like a little chicken nugget she's so cute."

We looked at each other. "Nugget! That should be her name." Deyko said, taking the words out of my mouth.

"That's exactly what I was thinking. You read my mind."

"So then, Nugget?" Deyko confirmed with a grin.

"Nugget it is"

And that's the story of how Nugget got her name.


"Can I sleep with Nugget please?" Deyko begged.

I laughed. "Of course, what do you think I brought her for."

"Yay, thanks." she chirped, picking up little Nugget and scrambling into her bed.

I smiled at the sight of little Deyko cuddled up with Nugget in her bed, so peaceful.

Usually, during the night, the grief of losing my parents came back to me full force, and I felt like crying.

But this night was calm and relaxed. Maybe, little by little I was getting over the worst of my parent's death.

And honestly it scared me a bit because I didn't want to forget the good times I had with my parents. I didn't want to forget them or feel like I was letting go of them and my past life.

It was these thoughts that overwhelmed me and made feel powerless and suffocating.

Yet it was relieving to not be so stressed out anymore, to be carefree again without feeling guilty about my happiness.

Of course, that moment wouldn't come in a long time since everything was still new to me.

It was as if the night itself wanted to take a break from all the hassle though.

And Eventually the gentle breathing of both Deyko and Nugget lulled me into a dreamless sleep.

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